Title: The Servant Boy
Pairing(s): HoMin
Genre: AU/Historical/Romance
Rating: PG13
Summary: Yunho, a young man with a rich father, falls for Changmin, a servant boy who works at an all-male brothel house called Spider Lillie.
I hope you understand I'll never let you go back there again )
Comments 10
but why is it so short??? T___T
Yunnie to the rescue, yay!
Wow... Changmin's part is terrible... No wonder he's here in Japan. I can't believe his mother would do that to him without even consulting him first. I bet that if his mother had told him about their situation and said that she needed the money, Changmin would have willingly went to Japan this way without having to drink that "soup." She wasted so much time and effort to do it... I bet she doesn't know her son well at all ><. It's rather disappointing.
Although Changmin is rather lucky, he's still suffering from everything... and he can't do anything about it...
But Yunho can~ So I'm happy that he came to Changmin's rescue. It was rather strange that Yunho was right outside the door though. Was he planing on going in there or something? xD
I honestly didn't expect Changmin to kiss Yunho though... That was a shock o__o.
Well, Jung-san I hope what you just said is true because I had been waiting.IHIAD(YEIUHQCU@)EDJI!!!! Changmin~~~~♥ You're so cute ( ... )
Me DEAD...by the time I heard his bass voices call his own name
It's like he put a spell while saying his name
I bet this is what happen to Changmin also, hope in real life too
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