Dropping Meme!

Oct 07, 2008 15:18

So my hiatus fails and instead of doing homework at work I'm jumping bandwagons. /o/

Kakeru is more chill than he once was despite me playing him less! I think he's finally come to terms with Yuki and Johji's friendship, no longer has an insta-hate on for Shigure whenever he sees him, and still has epic-amazing friends despite the fact that I never thread with them :D;;

I love that Kakeru has gotten over his issues because it means I no longer emo when pulling him out. FOR A WHILE THERE, I DID. But no more! /o/ However, I realize that I haven't done many threads that aren't with Yuki-Johji-Shigure in a long time. I need to start jumping retards with him, this is required.

I dunno. RECONNECT with the ATards? Thread more with Yuffie? I also want to expand his social bubble which means having him jump like-minded shounen retards (Sokka and Horohoro come to mind) and just generally throwing him at new people. Now would be the time to tell me if you want Kakeru to be your friend, I will jump. :|b Also at some point in time I want to "genderswap" him into Tomo just for the lulz.

More likely than it once was! Kakeru was once my primary but is no more, at times I have tossed around the idea of dropping him because I feel he's getting stagnant, but I think I just need to throw him out more.

Haruhi is emerging from the minor funk she had when Kyon left camp. She's gotten used to being here without him and has started to pop back to her usual zany self. She's excited about her awesome friends, Torcw00t and lots of things, so I think she's definitely in a happy place. \o/

Recently I have been feeling NOT CREATIVE ENOUGH with Haruhi. This is probably just due to mental fatigue draining me of ideas, but I feel I need to do more crazy things with her and do crazier things with her. Unfortunately this will probably remain unresolved until I have the mental energy back to brainstorm such things but I'm probably just going to put it at the back of my mind.

More touching Kallen and Gino, I need to thread with Suzaku cuz I feel like I haven't done so in ages. Also Fire Cabin antics are always A++ I need to catch Ginko more too, because Haruhi's utterly fascinated with him, as well as jump Jack and meet the rest of the Torchw00t staff.

Unlikely! I thought about it when Kyon dropped but I've for the most part decided against it. I ♥ Haruhi.

Lololo I DON'T KNOW. She's still content with camp as she always has been. Most recently she is worried about sickly Ikki but beyond that . . . I honestly don't have a clue because I haven't been playing her enough. L-lol.

IF YOU HAVEN'T GUESSED, she's become incredibly backburner. I feel kind of in a slump and upset with her because we get a big shiny flashback-esque arc for old school Sleeping Forest but Simca's not there! D: And the chapters before that have me double-guessing my previous assumptions regarding just how romantic her interest in Ikki is. So . . . I'm not sure with her. I also feel like I need to do something with her. I don't feel like she does enough.

N-none. I don't know what to do with her. I want to do things with her but I have utterly no clue as to what those things are other than jumping the ATards moar. S-sigh.

DESPITE ALL THIS. I actually don't feel much urge to drop her. I mean. I adore Simca and I'm sure that Oh!Great will give her SOME kind of awesome I'm just. Going to have to wait for it. :\

Amber feels no emotion and therefore is always zen. NEXT.

Amber feels no emotion and therefore is always zen. B-by which I mean she is hard to get out because it's difficult for her to form genuine interest in someone. She gets little blips for like, Yoi-te. And Joshua. But Joshua more in a negative sense because of the little blips she has for Yoi-te. I knew when I apped her that she'd be backburner and she continues to deliver in this regard.

I dunno. Vincent just dropped so I can't jump him, I think mostly I just need to throw her out more at people and see if I can't find someone she clicks with in a good way. Maybe Hakuren?! Maybe . . . other people. I don't know.

VERY HIGH. With as zen as she is I would feel very zen with dropping her. I don't know if I will or not yet.

Pretty good all things considered! Off-screen, Tokitoh angsts a bit. He really misses Kubota and he doesn't sleep well because of it, but he's not the type to let this show to people, and he's for the most part pretty happy and distracted when he's talking to the people he's met.

I ADORE TOKITOH SO. ♥ my new primary. S-seriously I LOVE playing him, I LOVE his relationships, I love his icons and his username and his EVERYTHING. Probably the only thing that could put me in a happier place with Tokitoh OOC-ly is if someone apped Kubota.

Bedninja post, find some kind of lodgings for him, continue to be dorky with Sakubo and Emiri, possibly jump Gojyo moar so he can ICly get his angst out, jump Roy some cuz CFUW threads were fun |D

NEVAR. He is my spirit kitty :x Every time I thread with Tokitoh I am filled with glee. I will never drop him.
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