1.Who are you? Jessie 2.How long have we known each other? since i think junior yr.... 3.How did we meet? through Phil 4.What do you think is the strongest aspect of our friendship? we usually find the same things amusing 5.What do you think the weakest aspect is? we are hypocrites 6.If you could give me one thing, what would it be? plane ticket to anywhere 7.If I could do one thing for you, what would you like it to be? give me my movies back! 8.If we could travel anywhere, where would we go? road trip to NY 9.What type of activity would you choose me to be your partner in? something involving killing things. lol. 10.If you could describe me in one word, what would it be? deasly! 11.What song describes our friendship? ummm...the happy tree friends theme song 12.Is there any friendship from television or movies that ours is similar to? I have no idea 13.Have I ever disappointed you? >shrugs14.Do you think you have disappointed me? yea
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Comments 3
2.How long have we known each other? since i think junior yr....
3.How did we meet? through Phil
4.What do you think is the strongest aspect of our friendship? we usually find the same things amusing
5.What do you think the weakest aspect is? we are hypocrites
6.If you could give me one thing, what would it be? plane ticket to anywhere
7.If I could do one thing for you, what would you like it to be? give me my movies back!
8.If we could travel anywhere, where would we go? road trip to NY
9.What type of activity would you choose me to be your partner in? something involving killing things. lol.
10.If you could describe me in one word, what would it be? deasly!
11.What song describes our friendship? ummm...the happy tree friends theme song
12.Is there any friendship from television or movies that ours is similar to? I have no idea
13.Have I ever disappointed you? >shrugs14.Do you think you have disappointed me? yea ( ... )
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