You people need to quit bitching about realationships and mishaps. Get over it, quit posting about it. Move on. Get some new friends, and don't date shitty people.
2004drug . . fucking gay bitch . . those are the kind of people that make sick they need to clean up there act and fucking quit, i cant understand why they do that shit but I wont stand for it! blow that smoke in my face god knows what Il do! now in my life ive seen some fucked up shit but nothing is more fucked up than seeing half of the worlds
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So my ex-Takeya manager, Phil, is opening his own restuarant called "Ronin" over on ISB across from Atlantic Sounds on the west side of Beach street. We need more servers so come apply
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I fuckin' hate livejournal... I just made a post with like 20 pics in it, and that shit didn't work because this gay new formatting shit and I don't feel like redoing it fuck it.