Ruka & Kou's New Year's cards

Sep 09, 2012 16:50

Just wanted to share something cute I discovered today. >_<

I don't know if anyone else noticed this already but in year 2 when you get the New Year's cards from Ruka and Kou...

Ruka's card has his hand-drawn rabbits on it with his handwriting in red.
"Meow~ Meow~ I don't know how rabbits cry. Let's get along this year."
 (I don't know how rabbits cry either. I don't even know if they cry at all, but I'm sure they don't cry Meow. Haha. XD)

Then Kou's card arrives and it has Kou's handwriting in white (or silver) on a black card. Just a normal New Year's greeting. But on the top of the card, there is a little hand-drawn rabbit in red (It looks pretty much like the rabbit in Ruka's card) which was crossed out with white ink.

So, I guess Ruka was doodling on Kou's card. They were probably writing the card on the same table at West Beach or something. That's pretty sweet~ <3<3

(It's not something so exciting, but I never noticed Ruka's rabbit in Kou's card before when I played this game. :P)

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