What's in a Name - the Titles

Jul 21, 2012 19:31

Reposting this since we're getting new fans lately. If you've seen this before, plz bear with me. XD

Most of Hakuoki titles end with "-roku (録)", which basically means "record".
Zuisouroku means "stray notes";
Yuugiroku means "record of games";
Reimeiroku means "record of dawn".

Hekketsuroku literally means "Record of Blood Jasper", but its meaning is much, much deeper than just some blood. Whoever came up with this name seriously loves Shinsengumi.

This title was derived from Hekketsuhi (碧血碑) , the cenotaph built in memorial of Hijikata Toshizou and the eight hundred Shogunate army soldiers who died in Boshin War, especially in the Battle of Hakodate.
When the war ended, the Shogunate army was despised as rebels, and the Meiji goverment even disallowed their families to collect and bury their dead bodies. Yanagawa Kumakichi couldn't bear seeing their remains left to rot in Hakodate. So he stood up against the goverment, buried them, and built this cenotaph later.

The word "Hekketsu (碧血)" came from a legend in the Chinese literature "Zhuangzi" (莊子).
Legend had it that when a man died for loyality, his blood would turn into jasper after being buried for 3 years.

Naming the cenotaph after this legend was an ultimate praise for the souls lost in this war.

shinsengumi@history, hakuoki, hakuouki:anime

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