Who: Shikamaru (
cloudaddict) and Temari (
Where: Their office, Temari’s room, maybe elsewhere?
When: September 22 We’re impatient. Shh. This way, we'll be done on his birthay, not a week after.
Warnings: Lots. Swearing. Sexual themes eventually Who am I kidding? Flat out sex, multiple times probably. Drama probably.
Open: No.
It seemed like a major injustice to call a man in on his birthday, and even Temari could see that. As it stood, she wasn’t on the best of terms with her co-worker, because for all she’d realized about their friendship in the past two weeks, she was still just as harsh at she’d ever been, if not more so. She couldn’t help it if this had her lashing out more than usual, and now when she did it, she actually felt guilty, which made her even more annoyed, making a rather vicious cycle. They always said that you hurt the ones you love the most, and she was living proof of that. And it had taken two weeks of trying to convince herself otherwise, but with the mounting guilt, she realized that it was impossible for her to not want to be with him.
She’d come to the conclusion that she couldn’t force herself to hate him, or even not like him, some time in the middle of the week, at a point when they were avoiding contact with each other as much as their job would allow. It was murder having to share an office with him, and she’d debated several times putting in a request for her own office, but something had kept her from doing it. And then she’d realized it. She was stuck with him, whether she liked it or not.
Their work weekend was nearly at an end, at quarter of two, and Temari had hurried her work to get back to their office before Shikamaru did. She would probably get in trouble for shirking the job, but this was a matter far more important than a little bitching from her boss. There was a short panic attack as she opened up her purse and failed to find the small gift back she’d put in there that morning, only to find that it had gotten buried other something. Pulling it out gingerly, she fluffed the tissue paper, then hurried over to place it at the center of his desk. Once she was satisfied with the placement and the arrangement of the tissue paper and the positioning of the note, and not allowing herself to second guess this, she went back to sit at her desk, busying herself with something absolutely unimportant, to make it look like she’d been busy this whole time and wait for him to come in.