Sorry that this doesn't make sense.

Apr 15, 2010 20:16

Sometimes, I'll just feel out of my head for long stretches of time. Days, weeks, months. Years, in a sense. A lifetime. To varying degrees.

I'm sure a lot of it has to do with having guests for over a month -- my better half and then my parents -- and then suddenly going back to being alone. This weather sucks, too, all cold and wet and miserable. It's a good thing people around me are reassuring me that this is a particularly weird spring, 'cause ... otherwise, damn, I'd be convinced that the season of sakura is completely overrated. x___x Our school sports day festival was rescheduled due to crappy weather. Mou. I also haven't had much of an appetite, which sounds like a good thing for someone trying to drop a couple more kg, but actually, when I'm not hungry, I wind up going long periods without food, then binge-eating crap, so it only makes things worse. Sigh.

Anyhow, since I've been feeling a little out of touch, lately my short-term salve has been to throw money at these feelings until they go away. Fortunately, I have some some tickets on hand that demand cash: Air Gear myu tomorrow, then Hirata's birthday event next week (hmm, how do I say "SORRY AN ACQUAINTANCE OF YOURS DRUNK-DIALED YOU FOR ME LAST MONTH"...), then DL7 (FUCK YEAH I GOT TWO TICKETS... not great ones, but oh well. I'm hoping to snag tix to the Saturday performance as well, just because I want to see B-tenhouji live, and this will probably be my last chance... especially since senshuuraku's almost definitely muri. If not, oh well, but I do love me some B-tens. Zumi, you peanut, get on my phonestrap.)

(Don't get me wrong -- I'm still an A-ten girl, and at the shows on Thursday and Friday, I will be beaming telepathic marriage proposals to Takeyan, but y'know how these things go.)

Thennn, that Cornflakes whatsit whatever? I don't even quite know what it is, save that it's got Hosogai, Banchou, Taa, Shouta, Makopei, and Horikawa Freaking Ryou. Yeah, yeah, all these tenimyu ikemens whom I love to death... but Horikawa Ryou is OVER NINE THOUSAND.

Uhhhh, my point is, I bought two tickets to that -- some random mid-run performance and senshuuraku -- and got Row A and Row B. ... ... ... V^O^V HEY VEGETA.

v(>w<)v oh you guys, don't stare, that's just my gaijin stalker buddy!!1 チェッケラチョー!

(Shush, I just let fantasies play out in my mind where I have gaijin bonding moments with Hosogai, Horikawa -- who apparently speaks quite good English, according to the youtube video clip of him at AX -- and Makopei, who has gaijin-fetish to the point that he hangs out with college preppy-hippies who play guitars at Starbucks in Tokyo, and doesn't realize how, if he weren't Japanese, his fashion sense would be considered "special" in a whole different way. :PP And then the Banchou Engrish. Taa, Shouta, I'm sure I'll find a place for y'all in my fantasy scenario eventually. Just give it time.)


That said, waiting till the first show this Friday seemed like too long, so I decided to throw MORE money at my loneliness by taking steps toward an image change, starting with a straight perm and bobbed haircut. I think I like it. I can't speak for how it suits me -- people have been saying nice things, although what are they supposed to say to a dramatic new look? -- but it sure makes my styling routine easier in the morning. < WAKE UP AFTER HITTING SNOOZE A ZILLION TIMES > < THROW ON CLOTHES > < CRAM ENGLISH MUFFIN DOWN GULLET > < TAKE OFF FOR WORK >

God, I'm such a stud.

I also have treated myself to a facial, manicure, pedicure (okay, so the latter two were done by trainee, and only cost as much as I wanted to tip), and just scheduled an appointment to get highlights this weekend. If only I could throw money at my figure so it would just drop another couple of kilograms to make me more confident in my new look. Then throw money at my self-esteem, which would undoubtedly find something else to be insecure about.

Next steps should be to learn to cook, set up Japanese lessons because I sure am not getting enough practice on my own, sign up for the gym, maybe hunt around and find a new cute outfit or two, start writing again, keep reading (I really need to find something really inspiring, though. I've read a few things lately with good-to-brilliant ideas/world-building, but general flatness in other areas, such as dull characterization or too-quippy dialogue)...

... orrrrr take up video games again. I just beat the Edgeworth game that my mommy brought me from the states (I really enjoyed his POV and the game itself, but somehow the ending didn't blow me away like the previous Ace Attorneys... poor Edgey. I'll play it in Japanese next), and I also bought myself a new pink TV and not-pink PS3, to go with my modded PS2.

Sometimes, I'm such a super grown-up that it hurts. ... Oh wait. Was this opposites day?

siiiiigh, オレ、ださいっすわ

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