1. Go
2. Pass it on.
1.~How did you meet
tobyaw? University, we both did direct entry to the second year of a four year degree and hence ended up being the 'new guys' sat in lectures together.
2.~What would you do if you had never met
loupblanc? I'm not sure it would change my life - but it's always good to meet interesting people
3.~What do you honestly think of
gypsy0131? We only met once, but she seemed to be a vivacious and interesting person. Someone I would like to get to know better.
4.~Would or did
tobyaw and
sismith42 go out? Not that I'm aware of, and since she recently married
loupblanc I think it unlikely
5.~Have you ever liked
wee0ne? He seemed like a sound guy when I met him
haggisthesecond died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? Your writing is very good and something we've missed, lately, on Livejournal
tobyaw and
kateaw make a good couple? One would hope so, since they are!
avaritia in 3 words: Librarian, Goth, Interesting
9.~Do you think
tobyaw is hot? Not to my taste, but then he's male
haggisthesecond and
tobyaw make a lovely couple? Remotely possible, but unlikely given they are both seemingly happily married to others
11.~What do you think of when you see
sismith42? We've only met the once, so I cannot answer this
12.~Tell me something humiliating about
kateaw: I don't know anything that fits this description!
13.~Do you know any of
paulandlaura's family members? Never met any of them - apart from their baby son - but know of them from many conversations in Tokyo and London with Paul and Laura.
tobyaw's favorite color? Cannot recall
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is
naxos? Cannot judge this. As a marathon running quant with varied interests, I'm sure he's close to a 10 to some people :)
16.~What would you do if
vilebody just professed their undying love for you? Look very surprised, and run and tell
lilitufire17.~What language does
tobyaw speak? English (of a fairly refined variety)
18.~Who is
tobyaw going out with? (Married to)
qidane a boy or a girl? Boy
tobyaw and
vilebody make a good couple? As brother and sister, probably not
21.~Who do you think
lilitufire would be great with from this list? errrm... hopefully me!
22.~When was the last time you talked to
tobyaw? Last week, after a dinner party hosted by him and
kateaw23.~What is
wee0ne's favorite band? No idea!
tobyaw have any siblings? Yes, a brother and the aforementioned sister
25.~Would you ever date
paulandlaura? I'm unlikely to date a married couple...
26.~Would you ever date
avaritia? Very unlikely, but she is an interesting, somewhat alternative, woman - so couldn't be ruled out entirely...
lilitufire single? Not last time I saw her :)
28.~What is
tobyaw's last name? Atkin-Wright
29.~What is
tobyaw's middle name? J.... Jonathan? [Cannot remember, but I know the initial]
30~What is
gypsy0131's fantasy? I imagine, probably unprintable in a public post, but it would probably be fun to know ;)
31.~Where does
qidane live? St Andrews, Fife, Scotland
32.~Would you make out with
tobyaw? No. [There, an unequivocal answer from me!]
loupblanc and
paulandlaura best friends? They've never met, so no.
avaritia like
tobyaw? I don't know whether they've met
35.~How did you meet
tobyaw? Duplicate. See answer 1.
tobyaw older than you? No, he's about 15 months younger than me
tobyaw the sexiest person alive? Not to me, no. [No offence meant!]