It really is Elementary

Sep 06, 2012 21:27

I've seen the Elementary pilot.

It is a cross between House and the Mentalist, and my reaction to it is, appropriately, a cross between my reactions to both shows.

I remember watching the first couple of episodes of House and thinking "what an ass! who doesn't even know what he's doing! It takes them 10 tries to diagnose the patient... is this the ( Read more... )

elementary, sherlock

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Comments 2

gaedhal September 7 2012, 01:39:31 UTC

I didn't have very high expectations because it's CBS, but I was hoping
to be surprised.

Female Watson doesn't excite me. Lucy Liu -- I've seen her in things and
didn't have much of an impression.

Can this become a show about Jonny Lee Miller and Aidan Quinn?
Please? That, I would watch every week.

I'll watch, at least the first few episodes.


tokyo_pt September 7 2012, 14:25:44 UTC
I'm a big fan of BBC Sherlock (though being a Brett fan, I also had a lot of reserves about that as well), and I wasn't expecting Elementary to be remotely on the same level as Sherlock, but I was still disappointed with this. I won't bother watching any more episodes, but I'm totally for people giving this chance. Who knows what might develop?


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