Title: In the Heart of the Young Category: Jem/Supernatural Characters: Pizzazz (Phyllis Gabor), Crossroads Demon Rating: T Summary: When she was thirteen, Phyllis Gabor summoned a demon.
All stories in this 'verse (which also includes "Father Figure" and "Forgotten") are now also available at the Buffy crossover site, Twisting the Hellmouth. (Link goes directly to my author profile.)
Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural Title: Flesh and Blood Chapter 30 Genre: General Fiction Rated: M (Language; mentions of rape and incest) Summary: Postseries AU crossover with Supernatural. A vision leads Sam and Dean to Cleveland, where they run into a nest of Slayers, a rather witchy Watcher, and information they're not ready
Category: Buffy/Supernatural Title: Father Figure Chapter: 2 Summary: Postseries, AU, crossover with Supernatural. Two years after Mary's death, a stranger has a favor to ask of John Winchester.
There wasn't supposed to be a second chapter. I gotta learn to quit saying "the end," even when I really really really mean it.
Category: Crossing Jordan/Supernatural Title: Blood on Blood Genre: General/Supernatural Fiction Rated: T Summary: AU. Now that everyone believes he's dead, James has found a new calling. Crossover with Supernatural.