Title: The Angel and The Devil, Heavy on Your Shoulders (Part VI. Three.) Word Count: 1055 [35000 total] MASTER POST for warnings, author's notes, and link to art
Title: The Angel and The Devil, Heavy on Your Shoulders (Part VI. Two.) Word Count: 1433 [35000 total] MASTER POST for warnings, author's notes, and link to art
Title: The Angel and The Devil, Heavy on Your Shoulders (Part VI. One.) Word Count: 2208 [35000 total] MASTER POST for warnings, author's notes, and link to art
Title: The Angel and The Devil, Heavy on Your Shoulders (Part V. Three.) Word Count: 1242 [35000 total] MASTER POST for warnings, author's notes, and link to art
Title: The Angel and The Devil, Heavy on Your Shoulders (Part V. One.) Word Count: 3269 [35000 total] MASTER POST for warnings, author's notes, and link to art
Title: The Angel and The Devil, Heavy on Your Shoulders (Part IV. Three.) Word Count: 1433 [35000 total] MASTER POST for warnings, author's notes, and link to art
Title: The Angel and The Devil, Heavy on Your Shoulders (Part IV. Two.) Word Count: 1519 [35000 total] MASTER POST for warnings, author's notes, and link to art
Title: The Angel and The Devil, Heavy on Your Shoulders (Part IV. One.) Word Count: 1825 [35000 total] MASTER POST for warnings, author's notes, and link to art
Title: The Angel and The Devil, Heavy on Your Shoulders (Part III. Three.) Word Count: 1288 [35000 total] MASTER POST for warnings, author's notes, and link to art