This one gave us a little trouble at first. The list item was collecting something (coins, stamps, etc), which posed a few problems. Firstly, how to do this in a day. And secondly, how to do things at all. I didn't think that I quite understood it at first. I mean collecting those thing sounds kind of boring, and even in the past where I have tried to collect other things, I have never gotten enough satisfaction out of it to turn it into a really hobby or anything.
So we had some sort of lame make do collecting goal for the day, when something occured to me. I do have something i collect. Scissors. I know, crazy right? But I found myself in a situation only a few days ago where I really wanted to buy a pair of scissors. Not because I needed scissors, but because they were pretty and I didn't have them yet. It would have been deeply satisfying for me to have that pair of scissors.
And while I didn't buy a pair of scissors yesteday, I did buy some other things that I think count as things I collect. One of them was nail polish. Because I didn't have brown yet you see, and I was wearing down clothes. The other was an umbrella. And while I don't have too many of those yet, and they are useful... yeah I'm definatly starting to get myself quite a collection.
Did it make me feel better: Yes
Would I do it again: Yes