it doesnt really mean anything unless it comes from YOU idiot. like seriously, its kind of sad seeing all these things, and then i just think, wow this really doesnt apply to me. i dont miss you, i miss who you used to be. but I no longer miss YOU so be done with it.
I've never felt this comfortable before. I'm so happy your back in my life, you can just in time. Im going to miss you like crazy, but i know you'll be back and our time willl just be wonderful all over again. iloveyou. :)
i wish i was six again. or some time when i didnt have to think about things. please tell me this is like a few day phase. i was forgetting about him for you. and then i talk to him. and hes there again.
so basically over the last couple of months the 3 times ive talked to my dad have been me calling him 2/3 times. i know that your really busy and everything. but your never supposed to be to busy for your kids
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