Title: Preparation Author: Kortirion Character: Estel Source: Pre Ring War Rating: G Disclaimer: Tolkien created this world and these characters - Kortirion is just playing with them gently.
Even when you know what's coming, and even know some of the people you are going to live with, it would still be essentially, he was leaving the only place he knew as 'home'. Both exciting, daunting,and a bit frightening. ;-)
In a way, it's like leaving home for the very first time - going away to college and beyond. One of those life experiences that you look forward to with both anticipation and a bit of trepidation.
Ah, I'm reading these backwards - how much his life is going to change! I wonder if his realisation of how much things are/were changing did already happen before that first encounter with the enemy as a ranger, or only then.
He blushed at the thought of the warriors of Rivendell knowing he was being deliberately sheltered… I can imagine how embarrasing that must have felt!
Comments 7
- Erulisse (one L)
He blushed at the thought of the warriors of Rivendell knowing he was being deliberately sheltered…
I can imagine how embarrasing that must have felt!
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