I haven't posted in here before booo. XD
1) What's your name? Rachel.
2) What's your gender? F
3) How old are you? 17.
4) Verifying, you like Tolle/Miriallia? Wouldn't be here otherwise. |D
5) Do you like Miriallia or Tolle better? Hmmm... Tolle, I tend to like the guy characters better. XD
6) What first attracted you to this couple? There was that night desert scene where Tolle puts a hand round Miri's head and she leans on him and I thought that was aww-worthy.
7) Was this pairing your first? Well, it was probably the first one I thought of as canon. XD
8) Do you have a site? (And if you don't, would you like to make one?) No, because I'd fail at making it pretty enough. D:
9) What other pairings do you like other than Tolle/Miriallia? (yaoi, yuri, het) Hmm. Asucaga, DeaYza, Kiraraku, Asukira, Asushinn, Asu....everyone, these days. And MwuMurrue and Gil/Talia.
10) Is there anything that could happen that would make you not like TolleMiri anymore? Iunno. There's never been anything that caused me to not-like a pairing.
11) Do you think TolleMiri is accepted overall? ....pretty much, except by a division of the Deamiri fans. >_> Not as in 'omg it wasn't valid', most of them are good on accepting that it was canon at least, but more like 'ok he's dead let's forget him lol'.
12) What part do you think Kira plays in regards to TolleMiri? Back on Heliopolis the two of them probably did a lot of nice stuff for him. I can imagine them springing surprise parties on him and stuff so he wouldn't be so lonely all the time. XD
13) What part do you think Ssigh, Fllay or Kuzzey plays in regards to TolleMiri? Friends too? They were likely all classmates, Kuzzey might've been a bit jealous that Tolle got a girlfriend first. XD And Fllay would've teased Miri a lot about the boyfriend at first like the average girl.
14) What part do you think Dearka plays in regards to TolleMiri? Initial rebound for Miri, maybe; but his personality being so unlike Tolle's that it likely made her miss Tolle all the more, and she dumped him cause they just couldn't get along the same way. Something like that.
15) Describe their relationship in one word. Everyday.
16) What colors do you associate them with/what colors suit them best? Something between brown and orange. XD
17) Who do you think confessed their feelings first? Mmmmn... Tolle. In a dorky way.
18) When do you think they first started associating with each other? Years ago? They've got that comfortable sort of relationship air about them that makes me wonder if they'd been friends since childhood. XD
19) What kind of dates would they have? Dinner and a movie. Maybe a trip to an amusement park every now and then.
20) What are your thoughts on Tolle piloting the Sky Grasper? He would've been as good as Cagalli. Only a pilot like Mwu could've had a chance of dodging that shield, maybe. =/
21) If Tolle hadn't died, how would this have affected the series? ...Kira wouldn't have gone berserk, might have lost to Athrun without the need for explodey, Tolle might've taken down Athrun. Dearka wouldn't have been almost-stabbitied and never started thinking about the war itself, which'd mean he wouldn't be around to help bail the AA in ORB, instead running back to ZAFT and meeting up with Yzak a lot sooner (maybe), Tolle'd be fighting at Alaska... Iunno, it's actually a really pivotal event. >_>;;
22) Is there any type of scene you would have wanted to see featuring the two of them? That scene in the manga where he tries to peep in on Miri and Fllay bathing. XDD
23) TolleMiri is percieved as having a laid back, comfortable relationship, rather than having things shown such as kissing, what do you think of this? They've likely been so long together that they've gotten past the kissy-blushy stage to just being really comfortable around each other.
24) What's your favorite scene with them? The one in (6). |D
25) What's your favorite image of them? ....does it have to be official? There's this one bit in a doujin (Nattsu's Shin Tsuki no Kodomo 2) where Tolle's got his fist up and telling Kira how he's a 'philanthropist' and Miri smiles and points at him and tells him not to talk about stuff he doesn't understand. XD okay that counts as a scene but shh.
26) What's your favorite fanfic of them? There's
this short and sweet one. |D
27) Do you like any doujinshi circles that feature them? Nattsu actually renders them really well even though their books are mainly Asukira or DeaYza.
28) Can you think of a good image song for them? (any song) I don't listen to a lot of music so um..... Iunno. D:
29) Which song (vocal) from SEED/Destiny matches them? Umm. XD Ima Kono Shunkan? Cause.. the moments they had were so limited. =(
30) Which BGM from SEED/Destiny matches them? Mienai Kotae? It's kinda calm and sad at the same time.
31) They exchanged presents. What do you think they would give each other? Tolle'd give Miri a soft toy or something. And... Miri'd give him a handmade something. XD
32) If they ever got a pet, what kind would it be? Puppy?
33) What is the Tolle/Miriallia pairing to you? A story cut in the middle.
34) Your overall impressions on them? They're the kind of couple I'd like to see more of these days in the streets.
35) Any words for the people who read this? Tolle's hair is like chocolate mousse. D: