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Feb 01, 2011 20:05

Player nickname: Megan
Player LJ: fairandbright
Way to contact you: PM or AIM
Email: queenlothiriel@gmail.com
AIM: withoutastar
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Character: Éomer
Fandom: Lord of the Rings (mainly book canon, and I note where I pull info from the movies)
Character Notes:


Éomer was born in the year 2991 of the Third Age of Middle-Earth in the land of Rohan, known as the Riddermark or the Mark to those who dwell there. It was also called the home of the Horse-lords, as the lives of its people were dependent on horses. Their army consisted of men all on horseback, and they had no foot soldiers. He is the son of Éomund and Théodwyn, the sister of the king, Théoden, meaning Éomer is a member of the House of Eorl, the ruling family of Rohan. He has one sister, Éowyn, who is four years younger than him. As a child his father was killed in battle with the orcs and his mother died not long after of an illness. Therefore, he and his sister moved in with their uncle the king, named Théoden, and grew up in his household in the capital, Edoras.

Nothing else is known about his childhood, but as an adult he was made Third Marshall of the Riddermark. The duties of the Third Marshall changed based on the needs of the king, but during the War of the Ring, Éomer's duty was to patrol the eastern lands of Rohan, known as the Eastfold. He was in charge of an éored, which is a company of riders. The Third Marshall's seat was at Aldburg, in an area called the Folde, which lay between Edoras and the Eastfold. Éomer's father had also been a Marshall whose seat was Aldburg. Being appointed a Third Marshall showed his place in line to the throne. The First Marshall was the King in Edoras, and the Second Marshall was the king's son and heir, Théodred, who patrolled the Westfold. As Théodred had no heir of his own, Éomer was next in line after him.

In the year 3019 of the Third Age, Théodred was killed by Saruman's forces at the Fords of Isen and Éomer became the king's heir. Not long after he met Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli in the Eastfold. Protocol demanded that he bring the travelers to Edoras as no strangers were permitted to wander openly in Rohan, but after listening to their story about their journey and their friends being captured, he made the controversial decision to let them go. He gave them horses to help them and made them promised to return the horses to Edoras, to show that Éomer had made the right choice in trusting them. By doing this he was putting his position as Third Marshall and possibly his life into their hands. In letting them go, he was going against the law of the land and his king, but doing what he hoped was right. After this meeting he reported to Edoras himself, and was imprisoned for both disobeying the king (an act of treason), and threatening the king's adviser, Gríma Wormtongue, who had great influence over the king and Rohan, and also had his eye on Éomer's sister.

At this time, Rohan was in great danger of falling to the enemy. Gríma, who was secretly working for the White Wizard, Saruman, managed to influence the king enough that his people started to suffer because of it. Orcs and Wild Men were opening coming into Rohan, killing the Rohirrim and burning their homesteads.

Once Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli came to Edoras and the king was freed from Gríma's influence, Éomer was released and swore loyalty to his king. Éomer traveled at the king's side to Helm's Deep, where he fought bravely and would have been killed had Gimli not saved him. During the battle, he and Gimli were separated from the others and feared dead, but they had managed to be pushed back by the enemy into the Glittering Caves behind Helm's Deep and survived. He then accompanied the king to Isengard and when Saruman spoke, trying to bewitch everyone's mind into trusting him, Éomer was one of the few who were strong willed enough to resist, and he reminded the king not to trust him.

While resting the troops at the encampment at Dunharrow, a messenger from Gondor arrived bringing the Red Arrow from the Steward, Denethor. This symbolized Gondor's need of aid from Rohan, and despite depleted forces and needing to leave men behind to defend Rohan, Théoden agreed to muster the Rohirrim and ride to Gondor. Continuing at the king's side, Éomer journeyed to Gondor to fight at the Battle of Pelennor Fields outside the walls of Minas Tirith. There Théoden was gravelly wounded and declared Éomer king before he died. This made Éomer the first king of the Third Line of the House of Eorl. After Théoden died, Éomer spotted his sister lying seemingly died on the battlefield, as she had dressed as a man so she could come and fight. Upon seeing her, Éomer flew into a rage and ran off into the still occurring battle, believing in the end he would die too. To his surprise, however, Aragorn brought in reinforcements and the battle was won. Éomer found that Éowyn was not dead, only badly wounded, and he rushed to her side. After being healed by Aragorn, she finally awoke after Éomer sat by her bedside, calling to her.

After the battle, the Captains of the West prepared their next move. Gandalf counseled that their armies should march to Mordor and draw Sauron's eye towards them, so that the Ringbearer could have his chance to pass to Mount Doom to destroy the Ring of Power unnoticed. Aragorn said he would go on, and Éomer, though he admitted that he didn't know much about the Ring of Power, said that since Aragorn helped his people in their time of need at Helm's Deep, he would now help Aragorn and would go on with him.

He fought at the battle at the Black Gate, and when the Ring was destroyed he returned to Gondor to celebrate at the Field of Cormallen. He sent word to Minas Tirith for his sister to join him, but in the time he was gone, she had fallen in love with Faramir, the new Steward of Gondor, while both recovered in the Houses of Healing and, confused about her feelings, she stayed in the city until Éomer came to fetch her. He approved of Faramir and when a great host of people journeyed from Minas Tirith to Rohan to see Théoden buried, Éomer announced to all assembled that Faramir and Éowyn were to be married.

After the war, he married Lothíriel, the daughter of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth, a man who had fought beside Éomer at the Black Gate. They had one known son, Elfwine, and Éomer's reign was so peaceful and prosperous that his people called him "Éadig," which means "the blessed" in the Rohirrim tongue. He reigned for sixty-five years, dying at the age of ninety-three.


Éomer is defined by his loyalty to his king and his homeland. The people of Rohan are noble, and hold the ideals of combat and warfare highly. To die in battle and be remembered in song is seen as one of the greatest things a person can do. Éomer's position as the nephew of the king and an heir to the throne gives him great influence over others, and soldiers seek his counsel. Despite his loyalty to Théoden, Éomer knows that the king is deep under Gríma Wormtongue's influence, and Éomer is frustrated at what's becoming of his country. The king, once free of Gríma, is a stubborn man, and when Éomer counsels him to stay in safety instead of run out to battle so soon after being weakened by Gríma and Saruman, Theoden rejects his words. Still, Éomer continues to give the king counsel, and at times he takes it, like when Éomer suggests the men and horses rest for the night before they charge into battle on the Pelennor Fields at dawn. Wise when it comes to warfare, Éomer is in his element here. He is a natural born leader, and fits the Rohirrim ideal of a noble, brave, loyal warrior. At times, when questions are directed to the king, Éomer answers instead, not out of disobedience or a lust for power, but simply because he was used to the king not being in a state to handle giving orders and he would therefore pick up the slack.

Éomer is young, but has been in many skirmishes and battles with the orcs, fighting bravely. Though put in charge of many men, he is not arrogant, and is willing to listen to others and be influenced by them. He admits to not understanding matters that occur outside Rohan, and believes Galadriel, about whom he has heard vague rumors, to be a witch. He also knows little about Sauron's Ring, but is willing to risk his life, and the lives of his people to see its destruction. He offers this both to free the peoples of Middle-Earth and out of loyalty to and friendship with Aragorn. One of the defining traits Éomer has is his ability to have an open mind despite his limited knowledge of the world around him. He may believe things such as a witch living in the Golden Wood or that taking the Paths of the Dead is perilous, but on being given evidence to the contrary, he is willing to admit that he's wrong.

Though suspicious at first of the strangers he meets, because they might be a threat to Rohan, he forms strong friendships fast and easily, usually coming about because he has fought side by side with these people in battle. His friendship with Aragorn is so strong that when Aragorn says he is separating from the group, Éomer is surprised and disappointed, fearing the two will never meet again to draw swords in battle.

Éomer's love for his sister is great even though they spend much time apart, and he does what he can to protect her, such as threatening Gríma Wormtongue for desiring her. In the movie version, he tries to dissuade Éowyn from romanticizing war, telling her it is full of blood and screams, and is the work of men. His plan was to scare her away from war, but it backfires and only makes her more determined to go into battle herself, when all he wanted was to banish the idea from her head, so he could keep her safe. He is absolutely devastated when he thinks she's dead, and with the last member of his family gone, he rushes off into battle to meet his death too.

Duty is always in the forefront of his mind. His duty to his people is, of course, most important, but also important is his duty to his friends, such as Aragorn. It was said that after the War of the Ring, Gondor was still under threat at times and Aragorn, now king of Gondor, called to Rohan for help, which Éomer always sent. He also remembered the Hobbit in the service of Rohan, Merry, who was a friend to Théoden and rode to war with Éowyn, helping her to defeat the Witch-king. At the end of his life, Éomer sent word to Merry, asking to see him one last time, and Merry was there when Éomer passed away.


The people of Rohan are described as tall, but when we are introduced to Éomer he is described as "taller than the rest" of his éored, meaning he is most likely the tallest of an already tall race of people. Some online sources cite a note or letter Tolkien wrote claiming that Aragorn was 6'6" and that Éomer was the same height as him. During the events of the novel, he is 28 years old. He has a sword named Gúthwinë, which in the language of the Rohirrim means "battle friend." His horse is named Firefoot.

Additional Links: Biography at Tuckborough, Encyclopedia of Arda entry, Tolkien Gateway entry

First Person (entry type):

The skies have turned against us, I see. We must wait out the storm here in our makeshift camp, for it is too perilous to force the horses onwards here at the root of the mountains. The chances of rock slides are too great.

Yet I do not curse the rain. The crops of the Mark desperately need it this time of the year, and perhaps the harvest will be bountiful in return.

[Éomer pauses to run a hand back through his soaked hair.]

I will say that the rain does not do as much good for my men as it does for our crops. With so many injuries suffered over the years, weather of this kind wrecks havoc on our bodies. Have you an older relative who complains of knee or shoulder troubles when rain is expected? Imagine such complaints uttered by over one hundred riders.

[Not far away there is the sound of groaning and "My poor back!" Éomer smiles slightly.]

Thoughts of a warm bed at the end of our journey will get us through the night. Or, perhaps, will get most of us through the night.

Third Person:

Éomer awoke with the dawning of the day, greeted with a blue sky. The rain had left them during the night and all was now muddy, yet there was a fresh smell in the air. Men were slowing rising at this hour, tending to their horses and preparing breakfast. Éomer joined them, eating a piece of stale bread as he awaited news from a scout who had ridden out ahead. All hoped that there had not been a rock slide during the night that would make their journey home more difficult.

When the scout returned, he said that all was clear for many miles, and after the men finished breakfast, they saddled their horses to depart. Firefoot pushed his head against his master's shoulder in impatience. Laughing, Éomer ran his hand over the horse's braided mane. "Yes, Firefoot, we are going. I daresay you are thinking of those oats in the Aldburg stables, and wishing to return to devour them as soon as you may. We are going now."

Like his horse, Éomer too was eager to be home. He enjoyed patrolling the Mark to keep his people safe and sleeping on the hard ground never bothered him, yet like his horse, the man had quite an appetite, and living off the meager foodstuff the éored carried while patrolling made one wish for home all the more. He swung himself up on the saddle, one of his men handing him his spear once he was seated. He gave the call and his éored set out for Aldburg and better food.

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