Nino / Jun - Mou inai... nai

Apr 01, 2011 06:29

Translation of the Matsumiya duet "Mou inai... nai", as requested by strikingtears 
I'm glad to have received this request because it's a pretty song, and I didn't realise it wasn't already translated somewhere!
Hope you enjoy the translation~

(Apologies for spamming everyone with lyrics, this will be the last post for today! ^^;)


Gone away… away

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指先から こぼれてる愛

The love spilling from our fingertips
落とさぬよう 握っているね

We’re holding on tightly so it won’t slip away

キレイな 寒い寒い日

On this beautiful, cold, cold day
私たちは 暖かいね

The two of us are warm

背高い あなたとキスをするたびに

You’re taller, so every time we kiss

I end up on tip-toes

For a moment just like this

目を閉じて 感じているの㋥㋮

When I close my eyes, I feel it
唇から足の先まで ㋥㋮

From my lips to the tips of my toes

瞼の奥 滴がひとつ㋥㋮

As a single teardrop falls from beneath my eyelid
落ちる間に 形変わる離れてく ㋥㋮

Your figure changes, it drifts away
Gone away, away

人は皆 いや、人だから

Humans are all… no, because we’re all human
夢はそう 儚く散るの

Our dreams are like this; fragile and fleeting

背低い 私とキスを

I’m small, so every time we kiss

する度に 抱き締めるその腕㋥㋮

Those arms that hold me so tight...
I’m afraid, you know, staying like this

優しさなんて 与えないで㋥㋮

Don’t show me any kindness
どんどん汚くなりそうで ㋥㋮

I know it’ll just dirty you more and more
ずるさなんて 覚えないで

Don’t feel any deceit

You’ll just be stained the same shade as me

目を閉じて 感じているの

When I close my eyes, I feel it
唇から足の先まで ㋥㋮

From my lips to the tips of my toes

瞼の奥 滴がひとつ

As a single teardrop falls from beneath my eyelid
落ちる間に 形変わる離れてく

Your figure changes, it drifts away

la la la.... ㋥㋮


Gone away, away


- Yellow = Nino, Purple = Jun, Blue = Both together

- There's no way of telling for sure, but from the content and the language/way it's written, I'm pretty confident the song is written from a girl's perspective.

Original Japanese lyrics found here.

- Don't repost without permission or claim as your own
- If you re-translate, please let me know and link back here
- Comments are always appreciated ♥

person: matsumoto jun, translation: lyrics, person: ninomiya kazunari, group: arashi, ♥Matsumiya

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