Make Tomitude an interest in your LIVEJOURNAL!! I COMMAND YOU TO PUT IT AS AN INTEREST! If I get enough, I"ll make a community about it. That would be sweet.
...Hang on... I gotta... catch my breath... OK, done. No, wait, BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA catching breath... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Done... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! OK, I think now I'm seriously... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
*10 minutes later*
I *chuckle* can at least *chuckle* get out maybe a sentence now... (haha) Anybody who would do that is obviously too stupid to be allowed to exist. I mean... HAHAHAHAHAHA OK, I need to go and get some horse traquilizers or something.
GOOD FOR YOU! Now be quiet. These horse tranquilizers aren't working as I had hoped. Maybe the sheer idiocy of Tommy's "command" is too much. Maybe I should look into elephant tranquilizers. At least I stopped laughing. After a good 6 hours.
Comments 10
*10 minutes later*
I *chuckle* can at least *chuckle* get out maybe a sentence now... (haha) Anybody who would do that is obviously too stupid to be allowed to exist. I mean... HAHAHAHAHAHA OK, I need to go and get some horse traquilizers or something.
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