Jul 26, 2003 16:13
i just walked home for lunch. when i got to up to the house i saw a squirrel and it went a few feet up a tree. so i took a few steps towards it, it looked at me. we stared at each other for about 5 seconds and then i waved at him/her and walked away.
i love playing mind games with squirrels.
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Comments 8
love ya anyways :)
PixelGurl80: I don't know you so I don't know if I should tell you that.
PixelGurl80: I'm not that good of friends with him to know if I should tell you any info about him. And therefore, I shall not speak.
bbbludreems: ohh please i can tell you almost anything about him to prove that i am his sister
PixelGurl80: =D BUT, have a nice night anyways!
bbbludreems: you're a dyke
PixelGurl80: Aww thaaaaanks!
PixelGurl80: ;-)
bbbludreems: no thanks i don't fuck dirty cuntrags
PixelGurl80: Aww nice language.
This person IMed me tonight and asked me to give you info and shit and I figured if it was your sister..wouldn't she know your SN and junk. Anyways I didn't tell her shit. Thought you might like ta know.
Yep that's her alright. She has a bad memory and usually doesn't go online much so she wouldn't have remember my screenname on her own.
The way she got your screen name was because she came over befor and was using my computer and was sign on aim and i wanted to still be able to see if my friends were online so I added quite a few of them to her friends list.
Sorry about this situation you had with her and the way she treated you. I'll be giving her a lot of shit for the way she treated you. Sorry again about that.
Don't put any blame on yourself about it either because it's really not your fault at all. I'm still going to talk to her about it because she knows you're a friend of mine it's fucked of her to be treating friends of mine like that. I don't even treat her worthless druggie friends like that. I long for the day she grows up and gets her shit together.
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