Do a Google Image search of the following and post the first pic that comes up...
1) Your age on your next birthday:
September 20th everyone, mark your calendars :P BLACKJACKKKKKKKKKKK :D
2) Your favorite color:
REDDDDDDDDDD, the colour of passion, blood, and romance *wink wink* lol :P
3) Your middle name:
You dont really want to see what comes up for just "andrew" in Google :S Even worse is that this pic is of Martin Prince from the Simpsons, so like, it has absolutely nothing to do with an Andrew at all :P
4) The last meal you ate:
I had some Old El Paso Soft Taco Bake, but it looked nothing like that :P Mine looks better personally, prolly tastes better too :)
5) Your bad habit:
I know you're all preordering right now, call me crazy :P lol
6) Your favorite fruit or vegetable:
My favorite fruit or vegetable is Steve Jobs.....
.....'s company name: APPLE :)
7) Your favorite animal:
I don't know what people see in cats, all the do is look at you, scratch you when theyre mad, and get scared easily :P DOGS, on the other hand, are the rulers of the animal kingdom because, like most humans, all they wanna do is have fun :) Therefore, a=b and dogs win, THE END :)
8) Name of your pet:
My dog's name is actually J.C., but my dad had the bright idea of saying "JEAN CHRETIEN" in a weird voice and the dog responded :P Instead of having a dog with a retarded name, we settled on J.C.!
9) The town you live in:
You would think that even though were named after soap detergent, our Town would be cleaner :P Oh well, c'est la vie, I LOURVE AJAX :)
10) Current favorite movie:
I don't care what some critics say, X-Men III: The Last Stand was freaking awesome :) And I'm not even a true X-Men fan, it was just a great movie in my opinion :)
11) Your first name:
THOMAS! WHeres the conductor?! And Schemer?! That was was beyond unbelievable for me as a child - that, Sesame Street, Polka Dot Door, and Reading Rainbow were my faves as a kid :)
12) Your last name:
That car is straight pimpin', yo! In reality tho, it'll prolly be all too similar to what I'll prolly end up driving when I indeed DO decide to eventually get behind the wheel :S lol :P
13) Favourite genre of music:
Rap! This pic almost reminds me of the time I rapped in front of my highschool, that was honestly one of the most amazing times in my life too, which is pretty sad but hey, I had SO much fun doin it, and I'd do it again :)
And again...
And then about a hundred and fifty three times after that :D
14) Favourite food:
Honestly, I miss Pizza Pockets, I never have them anymore :( *sniff* lol :P
15) Worst fear:
Yeah, I dont like sucking in anything :P I'm always afraid of doing bad, so that's why I always step it up :P This pic reminds me of me playing baseball during the summer, I can't field if my life depended on it :P lol
And thats it :) I appear to be back on the blogging scene :)
With the same old two-step with a lil' twist :P
Yeah, that didnt rhyme, I do that all time :S