Okay, so maybe I'm bad. What of it?

Mar 04, 2006 22:48

You Are Apple Cider

Smooth and comforting. But downright nasty when cold.
What Part of Fall Are You?

Bite me; I’m nasty all the time. I have no redeeming qualities and I won’t stand for any implications to the contrary. *Shifty look*

The Five Love Languages
My primary love language is probably
Physical Touch
with a secondary love language being
Acts of Service.

Complete set of results
Physical Touch: 12Acts of Service: 6Quality Time: 5Words of Affirmation: 5Receiving Gifts: 1

Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz

This is the only deep moment I will ever have: I don’t like gifts. Anyone can give gifts. My parents gave gifts right up until they ran away. Fuck gifts.
I’m not entirely sure I like that touching thing. I don’t need to be touched. I’m not needy for affection damn it, that’s a vicious rumor someone started. I think it was Kate. Maybe Billy. I think that Anal Probe alien boyfriend taunting is getting on his nerves. But it’s not true! *kicks quiz*

The Multidimensional Scale of Sexuality
According to my answers, it is likely that I identify as
Heterosexual with some homosexuality
or equally,
Sequential bisexual.

Complete set of results
Heterosexual with some homosexuality: 3Sequential bisexual: 3Concurrent bisexual: 2Asexual: 1Heterosexual: 1Homosexual with some heterosexuality: 1Past homosexual, currently heterosexual: 1Homosexual: 0Past heterosexual, currently homosexual: 0

The Multidimensional Scale of Sexuality was devised by Larry Kurdek, B. Berkey and T. Perelman-Hall. It is an extension of the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid, recognising that sexual identities can change over time, people can identify with more than one sexual identity, and that asexuality is a valid sexual identity. The Multidimensional Scale of Sexuality was published in the "Journal of Homosexuality" in 1990.

Take the quiz

I…don’t even know what the hell this stuff means. I couldn’t get a friend in school let alone a date! I mean, I’m not gay or bi. Even if I did look at Spiderman’s butt that one time. Don‘t judge me! Damn it. (I don’t need anything else in common with ‘I have wings on my head’ boy thanks very much.) I’d like to think of it as ‘having such a shitty personality and people usually try to beat me up, so I can’t be picky.’ You know, like how it’s not bullshitting, it’s ‘Stalling for time and/or being properly wary of things that could hurt me and/or always having a good excuse even if its mostly incoherent babbling’.

…Kind of makes you wonder how serious I am doesn’t it? Bwahahaha

Your Values Profile


You don't really value loyalty.
In your opinion, friendship should be earned.
If you don't agree with someone, it doesn't matter how close you are.
You'll let them (and everyone else know) exactly what you think.


You don't really value honesty.
You do value getting your way, no matter what.
And if a little lying is required to do that, no problem.
A few white lies never hurt anyone (at least, that's what you tell yourself!)


You don't really value generosity.
Your needs always come first, no matter what.
And you'll possibly help someone else out...
But only if it helps you in return.


You don't really value humility.
You don't have much to be humble about!
And you might as well promote yourself, because no one else will.
You're a pretty special person, and you let everyone know it.


You value tolerance highly.
Not only do you enjoy the company of those very different from you...
You do all that you can to seek it out interesting and unique friends.
You think there are many truths in life, and you're open to many of them.
The Five Factor Values Test

Sooo…I’m officially an asshole.
But a tolerant asshole. Which has nothing to do with being a mutant, really.

asshole, meme

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