I'm late, but better late than never, nah XD ?
Here I go with the report about the last crazy convention I attended @_@
So, LuccaComics recently took place in the Ol' City of Lucca.
I mean, IN THE CITY.
One would think it would be enough for Italian otakus, but IT WASN'T D: There were places so crowded that people couldn't walk, and sometimes you got stuck in lines along the STREETS for whole minutes XD
In addition to this,
pigreco didn't get a map.
We got lost a pair of times (ending out of the city's walls, in the middle of the road XD) but in the end we managed to keep track of the various stands scrapped around the city.
The fact that later I managed to get a map of the city helped. (I had to ask for it to a group of firemen. REALLY >_>;)
Before finding the firemen I got the idea of taking a pic of one of the maps by the stands to check while walking... But it was too little on the camera screen >_>; *is a genius*
Here's a pic to show you how crowded the place was.
Sometimes it was even difficult to take pictures XD !
Of course there were some tourists and the locals, looking at us as if we were a bunch of aliens o_o Kids were happy, though. Profitting of the other cosplayers they got an excuse to go around in their Halloween costumes without looking ridiculous XD
There were a lots of wonderful coplayers but I wasn't in the mood to get all of them, 'cause it involved walking through people, screaming in the middle of the road to stop them and other activities that otaku don't like.
So I took pictures of the ones I stumbled on while walking XD
Here's an AWESOME Hidan cosplayer (The only Zombie!Hidan I've ever seen) and a cute Gendo cosplayer. Awww, he was happy 'cause I took a picture of him ♥
I spotted a pair of cute Sasukes too (Shippuden!Sasuke and Taka!Sasuke in Akatsuki cloak!) but they were too far from me. *dae=laziness*
I had some fun discussions about cosplayers with
pigreco: Wow, that was a *insert loli character here* cosplayer--
tomoe_daeva: *without seeing her* I bet she was in her 40s.
pigreco: Mhh, no, I think that she was actually in her teens--
tomoe_daeva: Wow, really..? *thinks* Then she was probably the daughter of a 40 years old who dressed her up like that.
pigreco: *nods* That's pretty probable.
Then, we finally started to take care of the main reason we got there: SHOPPING.
I went there with a precise idea of what I had to buy, so I've been a serious shopper, without wasting money on not needed stuff. OF COURSE, when I got home I wanted to eat on my hands XD
Anyway, the picture above shows on of the rare Japanese stands that sold doujinshi.
The guy was pretty disponible but also kinda rude: he was complaining with the seller about Western otaku not buying doujinshi as much as Japaneses do.
--Well, probably because in Japan they don't cost 15 euros per book and people actually understand what they're reading ò_o ..?
pigreco was happy though, he spent around 140 euros and got home with some kilos of pretty stuff XD *of course the Japanese guy loved him XD*
We took a look at the pretty vynil kits/models sellers.
Quite amazing jobs; I took a little picture of Rei and Asuka in their gothic loli outfits >3
caska_langley, I SAW HER!!! --But I obviously didn't buy her, she was more expensive than my budget (120 euros) XD
---It wouldn't be LuccaComics without the random incursions of the Star Wars cosplay group in the streets.
There was this Empire's officer screaming to people to make room and the whole group walking between them XD
They're fucking crazy. But also a HUGE, amazing group. I took only pictures of the soldiers and Darth Vader, but there all the characters, Jedi in chains being insulted and yanked by the guards included XD
More cosplayers I stumbled upon.
A cute Yamato performing a scary face and some random people I don't know that
pigreco asked me to take a picture of XD
tomoe_daeva: What's the difference with the other stands we just visited..?
pigreco: None.
--Well, there was Grendizer greeting you at the entrance D: !
Inside there were people selling original Japanese food.
You know, bentos, instant ramen, beer, coffee-- People got crazy with instant ramen.
They were eating ramen all over the place. The whole place stank of soup.
I was about to vomit.
Seriously, people complains about McDonald but that stuff didn't look quite healthy neither ò_o !
In the end, with our bags full and our stomaches empty, we decided to part ways and return home.
It was around 17.00. From the pic above you can still see the line of people that were buying tickets to get in >_>
--In the end I didn't meet with anyone I planned to, nor I sold any of my doujinshi 'cause I was too focused on the basic action of BUYING.
It's been a very satisfying event though, also if we skipped the Cosplay event and I didn't buy some PRETTY SHINY THINGS 'cause I was trying to be considerate of money...
Well, it's better to attend the next convention with some expectations for your wishlist, no x3 ..?