Hello everybody! Hisashiburi~ I said I'd post this about 3 weeks ago but I never did xD Sorry. How's everybody doing?
Well, there have been some new developments in my life recently.
I'm going to try splitting this up in groups. It's a really long post, let's see how I do XD
Today is the first day of school! I'm really excited about this because it will be my last semester at GSU :) To tell you the truth I missed the campus a lot since summer classes ended (which was only a few weeks ago xD). While I'm ecstatic at the fact that I'll be graduating in December it does make me kind of sad that I will leave this place. It holds a very special spot in my heart :3 Also, going to school and taking classes brings with it a routine to follow which I truly need in my life. Don't get me wrong; I like, no, LOVE to be spontaneous and am flexible, but if there's not some sort of schedule or routine I can follow daily I begin to feel unproductive and accomplishing a task becomes difficult to do. For anyone who is wondering, I am not absolutely sure of all the classes I'll be taking this semester (the first week is always a sort of trial week), but I do know for sure I will be taking Buddhism, Political Economy of East Asia, and Gender and Sexuality in Asia. Looking forward to taking these courses, the professors who teach them are some of the best at the university :) Most of you will be starting school too right? Let's hope for a successful semester! Ganbarou!! :D
I feel like many parts of my life are coming together, and for that I'm very grateful and happy :) I'll tell you about a few of these...
I'm sort of new here and I've only met some of you (online of course xD) very recently so you may not now this about me...but I love to sing. I'm serious. If I'm not in a library, or in class, or talking with a friend (eyes to eyes, face to face :3) I'm singing. I've sung since I was very little but it has only been the past few years where I have overcome my fear of singing in front of other people. So as you can guess, I go to karaoke a lot. Well to make a long story short, one of my friends from my high school days (who is now a producer) came with my friends and I to one of our karaoke sessions a few weeks ago. He doesn't know any Japanese, but apparently he was blown away after hearing me sing and asked if we can collaborate on a song and record it. And he wants this song to be a Japanese pop song. I thought he was joking at first but his enthusiasm made me realize he was being for real. He asked me to write the lyrics (because they will be in Japanese) and as soon as I have to give him a call so we can get together and see what kind of melody we can make depending on the feel of the lyrics. Since then I have written a few pages of random phrases, words, images that pop into my head. I've also done research online on songcraft to help me since I don't even have experience writing poetry (though poetry and song lyrics are actually quite different forms). I don't expect to become the next Utada Hikaru or Yui, but even doing this sort of mental exercise has helped me articulate the kinds of feelings I have been experiencing lately. I will definitely post the finished product after I'm done recording (hey, I don't want anyone to steal them afterall xD). Let's see where this goes~! :D
My mom, sister, and I have been settled in the new house for almost a month now. And I love it. It really REALLY feels nice to have my own room, especially now that I flail to things like Ao Oni videos (which you MUST see, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time), and of course Arashi. Not that I shared a room with anyone at the last place, but the family computer and office was there, so my sister, mom, and her boyfriend would just constantly be coming in and out of my room, which made sleeping and studying really difficult because I require no disturbances while studying. So you can imagine how happy I am. Plus, my room is sooooo cute. It's kind of lacking furniture but it's just the right amount of space and I have a huge window which faces the west. I love watching sunsets <3 It's my way of winding down and is a cue to put away all the clutter and relax :)
A very sad(but inevitable) piece of news I received last weekend was regarding my dog, Whiskey. Mom took him to the vet for a check up and to look into this cough he has been having for a while and the vet told her that he has a heart condition (which is common for his breed and his age, he's 13) about a year left to live, two at most. As much as I want to push this aside it's a fact I have to face. He isn't going to live together, no matter how much I wish it. The best thing I can do is care for him as I always do and try to make this time fun and comfortable for him. Meaning lots of belly rubs :3 It just seems unbelievable that someday, sooner than later, I'll have to part with something that has been such a huge part of my life and has shaped the person I am today. That kind of loss will be a first for me. It honestly scares me, and writing about it now has my eyes watering. One thing is for certain, however. I will never forget him and there will never be anything like him ever again. I love you, Whiskey.
I need to talk about something on a happier note now, because I'm on the verge of tears. So I will talk about that which made my day yesterday, and that I keep replaying in my head and probably will until October/November. In short, I spoke to the guy I have uber feelings for over video chat yesterday. He will be known as 57 here :) We've video chatted before, though the past few months it's been less and less because of our busy schedules and time difference. Even emails are seldom these days, but that doesn't bother me, because it makes the times that we do talk more meaningful. Plus, small talk sort of seems pointless for us since we're so far apart. Anyways, yesterday's chat was especially memorable, due to a few things he said to me. Soooo.... :3
By the way, this is him. As you can see this is why I call him 57
http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/U4HAqgaw7cFCAxjppSU6OQ?feat=directlink 一
Yesterday I had plans to have dinner with a friend at a ramen place called Umaido north of Atlanta. Neither of us had been there before. I hadn't even heard of it until I met 57 when he was on business from Japan and he told me it was "meccha umai" (lol). Anyways, 57 then made a snarky comment on how it must be nice to have a date for dinner, where I responded that it was not a date, just dinner with a friend, one that joined 57 and I at karaoke when I was trying to be a good host (Oh, those were the days...). Well he kept bugging me about going on a date, and I kept telling him he was wrong. After he dropped the issue he asked me if I would be kind enough to go on a date with him the next time we meet. And I told him of course :3 It's not like that wasn't going to happen the next time we met (in Japan), but being asked that from the one guy I have fallen completely in like (lol) the past couple of months just made my day, and I could barely keep from smiling wide for the rest of the conversation.
Another thing I won't forget about the conversation was when he told me he missed me. I think the phrase in English loses the punch, and also the fact that culturally those sorts of phrases are said more often in English (I could be wrong, but this has been my experience when comparing my English-speaking relationships with my Spanish/Japanese ones) seems to water-down the impact, if that makes sense. The way he said it, it just completely melted me. First of all, it took him forever to say it. He kept saying, 久しぶりに。。。久しぶりに。。。and everytime I asked him what is was he would just say なんでもな~い。 When I started to pout a little he finished what he said: 久しぶりにマレニに逢いたいよ。 After a few moments of just sitting there, taking it in (yeah I know laugh at me :p) I asked him if he meant it and he said he did. So I asked him if he could wait a little longer for me, and he told me he'd wait. I wouldn't say I have low self-esteem, but I've never had someone willingly wait for me like that, and it just felt really nice to know that he likes me that much (or at least I hope) :3
The third and probably most memorable part of the conversation is ironically the portion of the conversation that never got finished. He saw me playing with my iPod Touch and asked what it was (despite his amazing talent at just about everything, he is totally clueless when it comes to computers and electronic gadgets xD). So I explained to him it has music and pictures and apps and other stuff, then I showed him a few Riida pictures I have on it (I lie, I have A LOT XDDD). He laughed and mentioned how mean I was for not having any pictures of him on there. But the truth is, I do have pictures of him (just a few, but they are there and I look at them everyday >_>). He didn't believe me I had pictures of him, so he asked me to show him. Of course I couldn't show him right away, that shit's embarrassing you know xD He kept bugging me about that until I finally showed him 15 minutes later :p I showed him three and told him I had found them online (from articles, blogs, etc.). He was really surprised that there were such pictures of him online, then he commented on how I must have really looked for them (I mean, yeah I searched but it's not that hard, just type his name in Google image search and he'll pop up T_T), then before I realized he asked マレニちゃんは俺のことが好きになっちゃったの?
I was speechless. Dumbstruck. Paralyzed. How the hell am I supposed to answer that? Oh yes, let me confess my feelings for you for months. Let me spill the beans, reveal this deep passion, tell you that I haven't even thought/looked/cared about dating any other person but you. That you've set the standard. That I think about you an awful lot. All of that. Lemme tell you. All over video chat. You know, when we can't do anything about it. When my Japanese sucks to where I don't know if I did tell you I liked you in Japanese that you would be able to feel everything I've just mentioned above.
Naturally being the dumb, immature, naive, and overly nervous girl I am, I avoided the question. なんだよ、急に!アホか (笑)....All while looking down at the bed. I was hoping he hadn't noticed my blushing when he asked
照れてるマレニかっわいい~ ^_^ <3
もう言わないで >_<
えっ?どうしたん? O_o
いえ、別に :/
日本で。。。 >_<
あぁ、わかった ;-)
Aaaand that was the last part of the conversation. Don't ask me why I'm acting like a stupid girl in a J-drama, but it's what happened. I may be wrong, but if he was going to say what I think he was going to say, it would be an absolute torture to hear something like that and not being able to react properly because we're not together right now. What's one or two more months going to hurt? ; ) I can't wait. This winter is going to be a lot warmer than usual ^_^
God, I am so sorry to have put you through my contained flailing of 57. But this just happened and it made me so happy and I just thought I'd share that with my new Arashi friends, as well as others I know on here. You guys are awesome and please put up with me~★
Ok, I've been typing this for at least over an hour. That means I should stop XD
Thank you for reading and I promise to write more frequently that way it won't be such a giant post like this one >_<