Tank, a man I've been seeing for over a year, suggested we go to Japan in the spring for a short vacation. We would probably hang around Tokyo, go to his hometown and perhaps go to Osaka to visit my friends. He told me I didn't have to worry, that he'd take care of everything.
As sweet as this is I don't think I could go with him. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to go to Japan. I hope to find a job and move there in the future. All of my friends are there, and the ones that aren't visit there at least once a year. I don't think I'd feel lonely there. Plus I want to improve my Japanese and being there is the best way one can do that. Not to mention joining the Arashi FC and possibly going to their concerts.
I don't talk about him much anymore, but I'm still attached to 57. Nothing ever happened between us, and it has been a little over a year since we've spoken to each other on Skype. I've emailed him once or twice the past 8 months. Even when he responds he doesn't ask how I am doing. I know he's ok because of his blog. Still, these exchanges aren't like they were last summer. When I say nothing happened to us, I really mean nothing. The time he was physically next to me I was too shy to make a move, and he was respectful of that. I saw him off at the airport and we hugged. That's it. I regret not spending the night with him in the hotel he was staying at after I dropped him off after a night of karaoke with my friends. Sometimes I think if I would have stayed he would have had a reason to remember me. My impression on him would have lasted longer.
I seldom think about him but I can't forget him. I'm dating a few people but I don't want to give up on 57. Not until after I'm in Japan. I know all signs point to us not working out, but I'd like to see him one more time. Maybe go to a cafe. It doesn't have to be grand.
It would kill me to finally be in Japan, even for just a short vacation and not be able to see 57. That's the main reason I can't go with Tank. Tank understands I'm currently seeing other people as well but I wouldn't leave him while we were in Japan to see 57, even for a few hours.
Unless he was ok with it...
Shameless plug: I have both a
Japanese blog and a
blog in English I started recently. The Japanese one is about my kawaii life and the English one is about my deteriorating one.