First off, the biggest news: Vero came in 2nd for Sweepstakes today at the Palm Harbor invitational. WE BEAT STONEMAN AND SEMINOLE!!!
That said, let's backtrack into a recap of the last three days, since that's how long it's been since I've updated and I've got (at least) another hour and then some to kill before the meeting.
I don't really remember much of Thursday, other than I updated and Miranda was wearing a cute - and ridiculous - red bow tie like Ashley and Ty wear on their anniversaries. It's the same ties, I think - after all, Miranda works with Ashely at Steak and Shake.
Oh! Ros and Guil. Dee reordered the scripts Thursday (it seems we ordered them from the wrong company teh first time). They are supposed to have arrived yesterday afternoon, which is good because I have rehearsal scheduled for Monday.
I'm level 27! Finally! Playing an average of five to seven hours a week, it's taken me a good week or two to make this level-up. I've been 26 forever.
I've been whoring myself at the auction house rather than questing, too, further slowing the process but somewhat healing my purse. I have 6 gold now instead of 2. That's kind of like giving a homeless guy a hundred bucks. It's appreciated but doesn't really amount to much.
I've returned to Booty Bay. Someday soon (relatively - in a few levels) I'll be able to start questing there. That will be awesome beyond belief.
I've also crafted an amazing piece of artwork based on screenshots of BB. It is beautiful. You all are going to have to wait until Monday to see it, though. Ba ha ha!
Miranda ditched me and skipped out of Weight Training before attendence. I had planned on leaving with her after attendence; it's easy to do, we don't do anything on Friday's anyway, and we're marked present so there's no price. I waited out the period though, as it happened. Skipping is boring if you don't have someone to leave with, or at least somewhere in particular to go. You might as well stay otherwise, so I did.
Besides, I was skipping A3 anyway.
I went with some of the math kids to Bangkok on 14th Ave, had a nice long lunch. Too bad about missing Robinet's class, but it was worth it. Got back just in time to catch the bus to the competition, haha.
It should at this point be recorded that the majority of the math team seems to think I am secretly in love with Smiles. I find it hilarious. I imagine it's cause we hung out together and talked philosophy one on one on the last competition at the mall, but hell, I do that with everybody.
Anyways, the result of all this is that I have entertained about a dozen passing comments - some to my face, others intended to be behind my back but accidently spoken within my earshot - alluding to some hush-hush romance between Ms. Miles and myself. Examples: Oscar's non-subtle suggestions that I should go sit with Smiles on the bus; Ross' dare (more on the most vanilla Truth or Dare game ever, later) for me to "touch her shoulder and pretend you're asleep and lean into her"; Thomas' less-than-loud "her and Jake... SHHH!" as I walked up to him; etc.
Smiles has all pf the over-Jesus-y-ness that made Chelsea both endearing and disagreeable, but more so, with none of Chelsea's physical beauty and little of her sharp wit and humorous personality. In short, we would never work. Not that that says much, of course - I've been attracted to many girls with whom I would never work. But I must insist that I have never been attracted to Sarah Miles. Nothing against her, of course, as some might have - but for better or worse, the spark just isn't there.
Watched the original Batman last night; amazing cast! Michael Keaton was the least believeable actor in it, and he's amazing in himself. Jack Nicholson as Joker, of course; MK as Batman; Billy Dee Williams (Lando!) as Harvey Dent, the role Tommy Lee Jones would assume in the doomed third movie (after Dent becomes Two-face); and the guy who played Duke and Curly in the City Slickers movies as Joker's boss, Grisholm, who he kills; to name a few.
Competition! Palm Harbor Invitational, the competition at which every year Vero struggles to win fifth place. WE TOOK SECOND! Woot!
I myself scored a 23, not spectacular by any measure but the best I've done since UCF. It's good to know my scores are parabolic in pattern, not logarithmic.
Spent most of my efforts today on the Interschool Test, which was great hells of fun. 95 questions. It was daunting but manageable; and we didn't run out of stuff to do, either. Which is good.
Reminded me that I have effectively a week to finish my test. Where did February go?! Ah, well - I'm more or less done. Just have to keep it up through Tech Week for Fiddler (gasp) and I'll be fine.
The busride home spawned the most vanilla Truth or Dare game I have ever played, to my best recollection. I was the only non-sophomore, until the last five minutes when one of the Faggarts joined. Things like "Who on this bus do you like," "I dare you to go ask Chad out!" and "Have you ever dreamed about Hilary naked, Sam?"
I couldn't make up my mind whether to yawn or laugh out loud. Actually, I did a lot of both.
Sudden end to this uneventful post, I know - but I've run out of things to say.