My Clowder + Archer Update

Apr 01, 2012 19:29

I decided it was time for an update on my crazy life with my feline horde. So I made another who's who list.


This is my baby and the oldest of the cats. She will be 13 years old in July. She is doing well and is a tough old cookie. She doesn't take any nonsense from her younger companions.


This cute girl just turned 4 years old today. She is an ornery bitch, but I love her attitude. She can be really a sweet cat when she wants to be. She is the biggest out of all our cats. You could say, she is the large and in charge. All the other cats know it (except Victory, who is Queen).


This silly boy is about 4 years old (or so we think). He is our cat (well he has been chipped with our address at least), but he hangs out over at our neighbor's house most of the time. He is a free spirit who loves to be outside all the time. So we let him have his way.


This beautiful boy is about 2 and a half years old. He can't seem to keep himself out of trouble (as you can see his now stump of a tail). He loves being outside as well. He is a sweet and well tempered cat. He has had a bit more drama since his tail incident, but more on that below.


This adorable boy is not even a year old yet and our newest addition. He and Archer are best buddies. He is a sweet little boy who loves to play. You could mess with him forever and he never get tired of it. You can't see it in this photo, but he has only one good eye. His left eye is scared from an injury he got as a kitten (he was found with eye like that)but it doesn't seem to slow him down one bit. (He was found by my best friends at a local seafood restaurant)

All are rescues, except Victory (will she is a rescue once removed, technically). Victory, Pixel, Archer and Sinbad have been with us since they were kittens. Boyfriend just showed up one day last January.

Now for the update on Archer.

About twelve weeks ago, my parents called me at school one night to inform me that Archer had dislocated his right hind foot. He has gone though surgery and has had pins put in place, to help the healing process. He had a cast on the leg for about six week. He spent this time in a kennel (We were loaned a dog kennel from some friends. They have a medium sized Greyhound) that was set up in my room. I went home for spring break and my room smelled really bad for while (I fixed that with my oil warmer, haha). He is a patch work of fur and skin, right now. He has had one pin taken out because it was coming out. He tail fur how ever how grown back in nicely, but still has a bit more to go (see previous entry He went outside for the first time, in about 3 months, on Friday. My family says he is doing well and is happy as ever. I hope this is the end of the drama for him (knock on wood). He needs to be more careful, hopefully he has learned something from all this.
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