(no subject)

Jun 21, 2008 13:39

I am so sick of being here. I confronted my mother this morning about stealing from me, because I finally just got fed up. It's past the point and reached too many occasions of money just coming up missing without me being able to pinpoint a time when I spent it. I had checks saved up for Jason's leave, ten to be exact, and no one knew except me that I had them saved or where they were. Yet right before we left, one was missing, and conveniently enough it was from when I had gone to IL and worked one day that pay week, so it was a $50 paycheck. I didn't say anything. The past week or so I've been sleeping on my car keys, making sure they are underneath my ass when I sleep, or keeping them in the storage in the arm of my futon, so she doesn't have easy access to the car when I'm sleeping, because I figured out that had to be when she was doing it. Nothing else had come up missing. But last night I went out to eat after work, and came home pooped and must have left my purse and keys out with easy access. This morning I woke up and my keys were on top of my purse, which I always put them back in and zip it up. So, first thing I did was go out to my car and go through the checks, and sure enough, another one is gone! And this one was for a lot more than $50! I hadn't been able to get to the bank all week because of work so they were in my trunk, inside my backpack, and one is definitely gone! So I called her and asked her about it, and first thing she tells me is she didn't even know I had checks. Yet last weekend she said "Oh wow you had ten whole checks saved up for leave?" And also made a comment about how we must have spent a lot of money on leave(which I later realized was because she had gone through my bank statement.) Now she claims she didn't make that comment about the ten checks.

She was all "Okay whatever what do you think I do go through your stuff when you're gone?" If she wasn't doing it why'd she say that? And she told me to think what I want and whatever don't talk to her then. I fucking KNOW she did it. If nothing else out of all these past few years when she's been taking money here and there, I KNOW she took the 50 dollar one a few weeks ago. I know she did the rest as well, but that's one she absolutely cannot deny, there is no way I spent it, I am 10000000% sure. She can cash my paychecks too because she takes them over to Eddie's where the lady knows her and thinks its okay and I let her, because I have, at times before, told her to take one if I was gone and she needed to borrow money. So, the only solution is I have to contact payroll at work and find out when the check was cashed, and if it was this month, I'm going over to the store and telling them they are not to cash any check for any amount ever at all, that has my name on it unless I am there in person to sign and show them ID.

The worst part about it is though that my dad only half believes me. He said he knows she has taken more than he's told her to out of his bank account at times, but he finds it hard to believe she'd just take cash or a check from me. What he doesn't know is that she did that to me all the time I was growing up! He'd give me money for getting good grades and she would take it. So then a week later when I should have had 50 bucks left or something, I'd have to ask him to buy me something if I wanted it and he'd get mad. And I never told him when I was younger because she told me not to, and I can't tell him now because I know my dad and I know he'll flip out. Is that sad that I'd rather have my own honesty taken into question than tell the truth about her?

So whatever, all I know is I'm getting a lock box tonight, everything is going in it now. And I know she's mad at me because she knows that she's caught, but I don't care. She's grown and that's her problem. I work for my money at I job I can't stand by the way, and myself and my husband need that money to pay off bills, and the probably 300-400 she's taken from me, combined with at least 500 she owes me, and the money she hasn't paid me for the cell phone each month, that's 1000 I could have used to pay off a credit card. It is NOT okay for her to steal even five dollars from me, and I am extremely sick of letting people use me, abuse me, and generally walk all over me and not saying anything. So fuck it. She can stay mad. At least she won't steal my fucking money anymore.
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