Lindsey Boerma...there is no other. You are so unique, there is not another person that is like you. You are crazy, religious, intelligent, talented, sensitive, blunt, adorable, and absolutely lovable. I am blessed to have you in my life. You brighten my day! You give good hugs too!! All together you are just an amazing young woman. If you ever need anyything, I would do it. I hope you know that. Love you Boerma!!
Joey Joey Joey. OH Joey. High school would not have been the same without you! You have a hilarious personality. You typically made school fun and livable. Thanks for being there. Oh yeah and you are a self-proclaimed Nerd...always a plus. I hope school goes well for you and I hope you have an impact on people there like you have had on all of the people in Lincoln. Stay strong in the Lord an you can't go wrong. Bible study rocked with you!!
Eric...I see you everyday. I have the picture on my desk. My roommate actually can''t tell the difference between you and my brother. Weird I know. Our friendship started out rough and we both know it but now I can honestly say that you are one of my best friends. We've been there for each other when we both needed it. I am SO EXCITED about Fall out Boy. My boy Eric. I love you man!!!!
Jillian=the greatest!!! I love you so much! You are so enthusiastic and energetic. Life seems better when I am around you! I feel so priveleged to have you in my life. You make me smile. I'm smiling right now actually. You give good hugs and you are just adorable. All in all Jillian, I love you!!!
Laura...WOW. It amazing that we are even friends. So many x-girlfriends would just a) never talk to the other person again b)make the other persons life hell c)or stalk the other person persistently. You on the other hand have chosen the higher road. I have seen so many changes in you over the last year or even six months. You have grown into a truely admirable Christian. I regret nothing. You are great person and I enjoy being around you! thanks for being there when you could. Love you Laura!!
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