random that-one-oc entry

Sep 17, 2011 00:32

shdfjs spent more time thinking about my PD OC. I think I'll leave figuring out more of his personality for when I catch up with pokespe 8U Also I think his name is going to be Ace, because I can.

And have some sketchy info about his mons, because I randomly spent half the day thinking about them.

For reasons unknown, his team is mostly made up of girls (pokemon harem, ide) and consists of a cool big sis!Persian, sis!bro!Gengar, derp!Dragonair, srs!Luxray and a very weird Ditto. Also almost none of his mons were legit caught, except Luxray 8U Also all of his mons have weird personalities that don't fit their species at all, make of that what you will.

Persian: she's been with Ace for pretty much... as long as he can remember. He met her on the street as a kid (and she was a Meowth back then) and decided that OMG HE SHOULD TAKE CARE OF HER because everyone likes taking care of cats right. Except he was such a derp at the time that she had to start taking care of him instead 8U And this is how she became his big sis/mom and their relationship went on like that forever. Persian is very ~feminine~ in a badass way, isn't scared of anyone and pretty much is the boss of the team.

Gengar: Ace met her when he was around... twelve, I guess, and was into his ~acting~ already, and she was a Haunter who decided to troll him because lol this guy looks kinda weak let's make fun of him. EXCEPT IT RESULTED IN A WEEK OF TROLLING AND COUNTER-TROLLING and by the end of it Haunter decided that screw it, she's gotta stay with this cool dude. Except he turned to be not THAT cool, but she still stick around hoping he'll get his troll on more. They act like actual siblings a lot, having fights/arguments despite actually caring about each other :|a Also Gengar has troubles being around Persian, because Persian is more of a cool adult and Gengar is sort of an insecure teen forever.

Dragonair: she is a derp. Or more like THE derp. Even her encounter with Ace was sort of derpy, because how would you like to be suddenly lifted onto a Dragonair while minding your own business and carried a hundred miles away in the direction completely opposite of the one you were walking in? And she thought she was doing a good thing. At least Ace enjoyed the ride, and that was the beginning of their ~friendship~ because apparently no one liked Dragonair's free rides before, and was either SGDHJSKD PUT ME DOWN NOW, was too busy mentally keymashing with fear or scolded her for her unwanted meddling. BUT SHE WAS TRYING TO HELP, PEOPLE.
Dragonair is pretty much... reckless due to her derpiness and isn't very good at controlling her power (and she IS more powerful than regular Dragonairs. Sort of.) and can't stay still for more than five minutes. She's sort of hyperactive, okay. She's rather fierce in battle and can cause a lot of destruction, even without her trainer to help her in that :|a

Luxray: Luxray is the only guy on the team, and also the only mon Ace actually caught, which happened because some kids mistook him for an actual pokemon trainer (while he is more of just a traveler) and were all HEY MISTER TRAINER SHOW US SOMETHING COOL :D And catching a Luxray turned out to be something cool. Luxray wasn't exactly happy about that at first, because CAN'T BE TAMED but came to terms with this eventually and even lets Ace ride him sometimes. Luxray is sort of... team dad, because he is very serious (and totally not a tsundere) and reasonable and can even confront Persian sometimes. He's still very proud, though :|a

Ditto: Ditto... OH GOD DITTO GO AWAY NO ONE CALLED YOU 8( Have I mentioned it's weird? This Ditto is a total creep that randomly started following the team, and nothing they did could make it go away. I mean, they could scare it off for a while, but then Ace would wake up in the middle of the night to Ditto standing right beside him. This went on until Ace decided that fine, you can come with us Ditto your abilities will be of use :|a No one still knows where it came from and whether it had an owner before (and if it did, what happened to them) or not. Also it's actually very good at copying other pokemon, even from its memory, but it would often... make unpleasant mistakes on purpose and end up looking like a creepy version of the pokemon it was trying to copy.

Also have a design sketch. At least his "normal" design, i.e. how he actually looks like/looked like before he went on his adventures. See he's totally your Mr. Average McNormalpants. :V And yes, he's based on another one of my OCs (and by based on, I mean has the same design because I am lazy)

Okay that's probably enough bullshit for today I am off to sleep

pokemon, herpderp, braindead, ocs, tldr, drawing

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