Resin Repost

Jan 27, 2010 15:36

Well, the DoA is removing old box opening threads. BOO!
I found them quite useful to browse. Good to see both blank dolls and company default faceups.

So... time to archive my old box openings somewhere (at least the ones that where more that simply photos)... so since I am here....

Warning... cuts are GIANORMOUS !

My husband wanted a Moon, so I arranged a Lu-Wen split to get him the spiffy Type 3 body.

And here's how it played out....

Catsy: Jeeze... she just got a dress yesterday... now a gainormous box comes today.

Nanuri: I had stopped hoping... but this box would be big enough for a body....

Catsy: But how are we going to get it open? Should we ask...

Nanuri: No... don't

Juri: :: off camera:: Oooooo! A box!!!!!

Nanuri: Lord help us all...

Juri: Aww.. for me?

Catsy: No... it's addressed to Tall Guy.

Juri: Well, I'm sure he won't mind.
Nanuri: Somehow I thought you would think like that...

Juri: No body worry, I have a SWORD!!!

Nanuri: Don't worry she says....
Catsy: Where the heck did she get that anyways?

Juri: You two worry too much.... I know what I am doing.... I think....

Juri: See? It's open now.

Catsy: And it only took seven stitches to close you up...

Nanuri: Umm.. hello...? I'm still down here..... what's in the box? A body???

Catsy: It says its a Lu-Wen...

Nanuri: What's a Lu-Wen?

Juri: Only one way to find out!

Juri: I hear something....

Catsy: I think you have your strings strung a bit too tight...

Juri: No I'm serious....

Nanuri: Umm.. guys...?

Juri: Shut it Beyondo, I'm trying to listen!!

Catsy: She's right... there is something in there....

Juri: See I told you!

Nanuri: You two are going to get into trouble...

Juri: What the!?!?!

Catsy: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Nanuri: ::cough'toldyouso'cough::

????: About time!!!

Juri: Hello there....

Catsy: Ewwwww!!!!!

Nanuri: Okay... there is a naked man in the box... and why am I not disturbed? Oh yeah, the pantyless cat on my head....

Juri: Please... can you either put that away or put on some pants?

????: Hmm... black leather... that's kinky...

Juri: Perve.... a girl's not supposed to see a package while opening a package.....

Nanuri: It's not fair....

Catsy: Poor floating head....

????: Sorry about that miss. My name is Eclispe. Its nice to meet you.

Nanuri: Trust my buddy, no its not.

Catsy: Hello

Juri: Hehe.. was it cold on the plane?

Eclipse: Yes, it was... why?

Juri: Just curious.... that's all.

Group shot!

Thanks for looking!
(lol, not pun intended... honest!)

Here is Eclipse all decked out:

Black Catsy (Now called Marria, cause calling one Catsy and the other Black Catsy reminded me way too much of an episode of Sealab 2021).

My newest arrival showed up yesterday....

Catsy: Okay, Bunny. There is a box, and no one is around.... we can do this...

Catsy: It's a little box... so it should not be too hard.... I dun care what they say... I can do it on my own.

Catsy: Okay, Bunny, you stand guard. I'm going up!

Catsy: It never hurts to be prepared!

Catsy: Ha... this is easy! I don't need any help .... just my bunny and my blades...

Catsy: Now we open the flaps like this....

Catsy: ::starting to get a little tired:: Okay.... paper... Paper can be moved easily enough.

????: ....quaaaaack.....

Catsy: Bunny? Did you hear something?

Mr Duck: QUACK!!!!!

Catsy: ::screams like a little girl::

~after both have pulled themselves together a bit~

Catsy: Okay, Mr Duck. I'm going to finish opening this box.... so be nice, or I'll sick my bunny on you. Got it?

Mr Duck: Quack...

Catsy: Okay... now back to the paper....
Catsy: Hmm... now how am I gonna get this box out of this box...?

Catsy: I don't suppose you have any ideas... do you?

Mr Duck: ....quack?

Catsy: Didn't think so...

Catsy: Some gentleman you are... just sitting there watching a damsel in distress..

?????: I thought you did not want any help.

Catsy: Well, I don't... but...

?????: But.. you need help, don't you?

Catsy: ....Just a little....

Catsy: ::gets picked up:: Please don't tell the others I asked for help....

Nanuri: Don't worry. I'm good at keeping secrets....


Nanuri: So... the box came with a rubber guard-duck?

Catsy: Bunny... lets see if we can get Mr Duck to play nice.

Nanuri: He still looks mad....

Mr Duck: ......

Catsy: I think I have an idea.

Catsy: There... now he has a nest, and Bunny will keep him in line if he gets crabby again.

Nanuri: Do you want help with the bubbles?

Catsy: Nope... because...

Catsy: I have THIS!!!

Nanuri: HOLY MOTHER OF...!!!! Where did you manage to pull THAT from?!?! Wait... no... I don't want to know....

Catsy: Why assume the worst...? It's just a little kitty magic. ::starts to open the bubbles::

Nanuri: As if I needed another reason not to trust felines... ::takes a seat to watch::

Catsy: This looks really famillar.... but I cannot place where I've seen it before...

Nanuri: The only way to find out it to look inside... :: on the edge of his seat, fighting the urge to just tear the lid off himself::

Catsy: Oh... my... gawd....!

Catsy: Who are you....?

Black Catsy: Please... just help me out of here....

Nanuri: Sweet crackers!!! Another one????

Catsy: Are you...?

Black Catsy: ::cuts her off:: Yep!

Catsy: A hooker?

Black Catsy:
What???? NO!!! What would make you say such a thing????

Catsy: I saw a hooker on cops once... she had the same clothes and you....

Black Catsy: You really don't remember me.... do you...? I'm your sister....

Catsy: Sister??? I thought I was an only kitten...

Black Catsy: How can you not remember?

Catsy: I'm sorry.... I don't remember anything before coming here.... ::sniffs::

Black Catsy: It's okay... the past is not important. I've finally found you... and I'm never gonna let anyone split us up again...


Hope it did not get too hokie at the end...

I have changed her eyes as I wanted the two to look more like sisters.

I still need to switch her paws out for her hands and I need to make her some clothes as nothing I currently have seems "right" for her.
Hope you enjoyed my little box opening.

I am rather surprised these are the only two I had on the Den, but the one for my first doll was taking with ::gasp:: 35mm film and Nanuri came with an order I placed for a friend so I did not want to drag it out too much and my Elf Moon and Elf Lishe... well, I just was too impatient and just kinda tore into them. Lol!

I am also wondering how I ever lived without Firefox with my horrible spelling....
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