SPN 5x01 Sympathy for the Devil

Sep 12, 2009 00:19

So, being the gushy person I am, I gave Meg a blow by blow of the whole ep. She hasn't seen it yet, but now if she somehow forgets, she can continue on without missing a thing. It was such a wonderful report that I decided it had to be shared. So enjoy my retelling of the ENTIRE episode.

Well, basically after the boys leave...escape...magically teleport into a passing plane Dean drives a rental (which is a TRAGEDY) to Chuck's to get Cas. Chuck, after beaming Sam in the head with a plunger, gives them the bad news that Cas went esplody all over him. He has the molar in his hair to prove it. Zach shows up, gloats, tries to say sorry, won't ever happen again, honey, really, and Dean sends him packing a la Cas. *deep breath* Boys get a motel somewhere in a city. Sam tries to apologize and be all girly about him going major douche on Dean. *points to icon* Dean won't hear it.

Cut to Lucy's vessel, Nick. Poor guy. Lost his family (wife, infant son) to a murderer. Lucy's courting him the whole ep.

Back to Chuck. Who is AWESOME.


So Chuck makes one special girl in all the world...a messenger. And to top it off...she's...*cackles* Oh, she's my kind of slasher. So he thinks he's being watched, so he gives her a message and tells her where to find the guys. She spontaneously orgasms upon seeing Sam (she's a Sam girl) and proceeds to grope him while telling the boys that Michael's Sword is...somewhere.

She leaves, enter father figure and Baby.Oh, how I missed her. So. He brings exposition and Sam has to ruin it by turning into a girl and a tattle tell and Bobby tells him after they're done with Lucy, to lose his number. Sam gets wibbly and leaves. Dean and Bobby talk about John and Dean remembers a storage shed John had. It's where Chuck said the sword is.

Oh, what a nice surprise, we meet Meg. And Dean has a blonde moment in guessing which demon she is at first "Ruby?!" "Further back." "Meg." So she does her gloating, hands the Knife to Bobby for him to kill Dean since, y'know, Dean's supposed to kill Lucy. Dean gets wibbly and Bobby stabs himself in the gut and Dean opens a can of whoop ass on Meg. Sam comes back to help.

They get Bobby to a hospital then leave his ass for the sword. It's a big fat lie. Demon bodies everywhere and Zach's waiting. Zach gloats, reveals that Michael's sword is more metaphor than literal and then tortures Dean and Sam so that Dean agrees to play Michael's condom. (Dean's words)

Thankfully, just in the nick of time (and with that angel killing sword, which I think IS one of their feather's cause one of Zach's goon angels had one, too) everyone's favorite angel arrives, kicks ass (for a change), tells Zach to put the boys right and LEAVE after leaving teasing hints for why the fuck he isn't dead. Zach leaves, Cas brands the boys' ribs to protect/hide them from EVERYONE but Lucy, then reveals, yeah, he DID die. and, yeah, it's a good question for how the boys got onto that plane, does more heavy hinting (subtle isn't Cas' strong suit) then leaves.

Boys check on Bobby, Bobby says it wasn't him telling Sam to bugger off, they have a Moment then the boys walk outside.

Oh, the best part.

Sam makes Dean cry.

I love it when Dean cries.

Ep ends with Lucy talking Nick around to saying yes. Well, technically it ends with Dean crying like a sissy, but the scene before that is Lucy making Nick his bitch. Close enough.

5x01 sympathy for the devil, spn, ep review

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