More Interesting Quotes

Mar 01, 2008 10:46

Here 's a few more Quotes from various Fanfic as well as a few weird things from my mums head I thought were worth writing down.  Hope you like e'm:

  • House always felt that, perhaps by some kind of osmosis, knowledge should be in a continual flow in his direction
  • Listen to your mother; for she controls this wondrous, mythical place known as the kitchen; where the food lives!
  • Love ain't supposed to make sense
  • Love isn't brains people it's blood, blood screaming in side you to work it's will.
  • You look at Xander like he's dipped in Hershey's syrup and you're a starving chocoholic
  • A herd of elephants could have stampeded through the Planet newsroom and he would have hardly paid attention
  • Leutentant Colonel Jack O’Neill was sent offworld for a while, that being the alternative to having him hunt down and disembowel several people at the Pentagon. Finding out that you have an adult son you never knew about is traumatic, if you are a conscientious man who cares about children, which O’Neill was. Finding out that his superiors knew about it for a year and didn’t bother to tell him had triggered an explosion of anger the like of which few at the base had ever seen. / The briefing room table had had to be replaced, for one thing. Along with some doors, chairs, a noticeboard… Severed heads mounted on pikes in front of the USAF personnel department had been seriously discussed before he was sent to take his temper out on some poor, defenceless Goa’uld, a minor system lord had seemed about right
  • He had a team he trusted, the sky was blue, the birds were singing, and a bridge to blow up. There was, in his opinion, nothing quite like blowing up a bridge with some close friends. Life was good.
  • I've decided that Carson secretly has a membership at the Atlantis branch of Paddles.
  • Right about then would be a spectacularly wonderful time for him to die in a horribly tragic and almost unheard of gurney accident. The kind that happened for no discernable reason, but was always quick and painless.
  • "I'm a scientist damn it. If I wanted to spend all my time in court I would have been a lawyer or a mass murderer,"
  • if someone with multiple personalities threatened suicide, is it considered a hostage situation?
  • She was short and young and beautiful and quite possibly the best-armed woman Jack had seen since he left the SGC.
  • This can't be fucking happening, my teacher can't be a werewolf and he can't eat me in science class, that sort of death would just be too ironic
  • Claudia stepped forward. "Is this is? We're going in against an unknown number of werewolves with three vampires, three wolves, a leopard, a necromancer and a rat?" Anita gave her a look. "With this group? We could take down small countries."
  • "Have I ever told you how much I admire and appreciate your sense of humor, Xander?" Giles inquired as he looked over at the Alpha.  "Uh, no, not really," Xander shook his head.  "That's reassuring," the Englishman immediately replied. "I'd hate to have lied to you."
  • Together may they be slightly less of a menace to the world than they are separately
  • "How do you play Everythingball?"  With a big smile, Colby listened to Nena’s instructions on hitting a soccer ball with a tennis racket and getting it past the kid wearing the baseball mitt and the next kid bouncing the basketball, and into the empty telescope box perched precariously on the edge of the Koi pond, while avoiding getting tackled by the kid with the football or the kid with inline skates on his hands.
  • Spend enough time around Charlie and you’ll start to wonder if one plus one really does equal two
  • No man is responsible for his father. That was entirely his mother’s affair.
  • Let's just focus on surviving the X rated math professor first, shall we?
  • Are you trying to weasel out of this conversation? Because I am prepared to thwart all rodent-like moves.
  • Buffy was the only one who got sucked into the pubescent cult of the pompom.
  • "dear god I just channeled my mother." Colby said, then looked horrified.    Alan laughed. "Don’t panic ‘till you channel your mother and father simultaneously. That’s when it’s time to throw in the towel, get married, and have kids." "I’ll keep that in mind."
  • "Why don’t you just get him stoned? It would probably be easer."    "Tried it." Don raised an eyebrow. "He got hyper, put all my books in order by page number, tried to explain the math behind minesweeper, cleared out my fridge and passed out." Don laughed. "Seriously I might as well have given him speed. He ate my mustard. I didn’t know I had mustard ‘till he ate it."
  • they've fallen into Carson's clutches and he's demanding they strip and offer up sacrifices of blood and other bodily fluids to the medical gods.
  • Rare understanding of nothing inparticular
  • I might not know exactly what you are, but I sure as hell know what you're not
  • I exist because of the lack of myself. I am zero.
  • It is custonmary one thinks to have an imaginary friend only in ones childhood. You, I congratulate on your persistance.

I don't own any of the above


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