I didn't know if one existed and I couldn't find one, so I started my own. If you have an eBook reader and would like to have some eBooks of your favorites, read on.
I bought a Kindle last year. I had read that you could put PDF files on it and read them fom there. So I started doing that. Oh, it was fantastic! No longer bound to my computer chair! I could read in bed. I could read while waiting at the bus stop. I could read while eating in a restaurant. And I could do all that without killing a single tree.
Sadly, there's a big difference in quality between reading a PDF and reading an eBook on my Kindle. I decided then to clean up my PDF files and change them into real eBooks. I am in the process of doing so now with the help of some software called Calibre. (If you have a reader, you'll want it; it's free and easy to use.) As I was in the process, I wondered if anyone else had done this. I was sure the idea didn't originate with me. If someone else had already made an eBook of one of my favorites, I could just get that one and save myself some effort. That's when I ran into the reality of not knowing where anyone would keep them so I could get them.
Thus was born the
Fan Fiction eBook Repository.
It's still a baby site. It will grow slowly as I have time to work on it. If you'd like to help out, I'd love it. More people means more stuff up faster. I'm not an altruist. I had this site on my hosting account and it wasn't doing anything, so I put Wordpress on it and began building. What you see currently is what I've been able to get done this weekend.
So far what's up there is a small slice of the stuff from my Kindle. I went nuts over my new toy and crammed anything I wanted on there. I'm cleaning it up now. As I clean it, I'll be adding new bits. But, here's the thing: I only put stories on my Kindle that I like.
Not everyone likes the same things I like. I'm strictly a Janto fangirl, so other pairings or them with other people is not on my radar (and not on my Kindle). I'm sure there are lots of superbly written fics out there that are just not fitted for my taste. I can't say for sure since I haven't read them, but I think it's a pretty safe assumption. So, unless I get some input from others, those will never make it up to the repository.
I was going to make it just for Torchwood, but some of my favorites write in other fandoms. Why shouldn't I give those a home, too? So I made the site with the idea that other fandoms could start using it if they want.
You do not have to be a registered user of the site if you just want to download eBooks. If you want to comment, you need to sign up. This is not a forum for debate on the merits of a particular story, but if there's something not right about the eBook (I maybe misspelled a word in the title), then I would like to know about it. Easiest way to do that is to comment on the post where I announce it, or send me a private message about it.
There is absolutely nothing on the site so far that is not available here. The only difference is in the format. If I put something up that you wrote and you are appalled, tell me and I will take it down. This is not an archive like fanfiction.net. It's a library. For eBooks. Just to enjoy.
I hope you will check it out. Let me know what you think of both the idea and the site.
This entry was originally posted at
http://tonjavmoore.dreamwidth.org/12898.html. Please comment there using OpenID, as I have disabled comments here.