That question meme...

Apr 26, 2005 19:32

Go ahead and ask me five questions in the comments. I will answer them truthfully(*) in another post here so things stay connected. Then you put the same request in your livejournal and answer the questions people ask you.

(*) Please note that I am an Auror and thus there are some things I am not allowed to tell you.

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Comments 13

percys_girl April 26 2005, 17:49:46 UTC
1. What would you consider the most important/essential qualities of a successful Auror?
2. Besides those who are currently Aurors or in the training program, who do you know who you think would make a capable Auror?
3. What's the cleverest disguise that you've ever used your metamorphmagus abilities to produce?
4. If you weren't an Auror, what profession would you want to go into?
5. Who's your favourite historical personage?


tonks_007 April 27 2005, 16:37:50 UTC
1. What would you consider the most important/essential qualities of a successful Auror?

I think it is essential that despite trying to learn as much as possible and having the will and ability to weather through the nastiest situations, a good Auror should never forget their limits - nor their convictions.

2. Besides those who are currently Aurors or in the training program, who do you know who you think would make a capable Auror?I am not sure whether I am a good judge on that, I cannot even tell which of the current trainees will turn out to be most suited for what lies ahead of them. The same goes for anyone who is even younger, like Harry Potter, who to my knowledge has said he wants to become an Auror. He certainly has the abilities to achieve that, but I cannot judge whether he can be determined and distanced enough to do so. I just don't have the experience to see the potential while a person is still in their adolescence, so I guess it is a good thing I am not part of the committee that accepts the trainee applicants ( ... )


young_master April 27 2005, 15:19:52 UTC
Cousin Tonks --

Turn around is fair play.

1. If you weren't an Auror, what would you be?

2. What do you think about the abuses at Azkaban? I know that they happened, but I would like to know what other Aurors think about this.

3. How far would you go to defeat Voldemort?

4. Do you support the current Ministry and its policies (as a person --- I know as an Auror, you have to)?

5. How did you manage as a Slytherin, with your parentage? I would have thought it would be very hard for you.


tonks_007 April 28 2005, 13:22:30 UTC
1. If you weren't an Auror, what would you be?

Either a private investigator or, failing that, maybe a circus clown? *grins*
To be honest, I have no idea. That private investigator idea came up back when I applied for Auror training, in case I failed to be accepted, but that was ages ago. I have come to appreciate teaching, although I still cannot see myself teaching children at school. (So don't fear - even though I passed my potion NEWTS with good results, had further instruction during my Auror training and am a Slytherin alumna, there is no chance I'll turn up at the castle to be your new Potions teacher and Head of House.) But tutoring individuals or small groups of interested students is something I have come to enjoy. It also gives me a sense of being needed and important.

2. What do you think about the abuses at Azkaban? I know that they happened, but I would like to know what other Aurors think about this.I don't know all that much about it, just what the papers said and I don't believe everything they write. That said, I ( ... )


nott_senior April 27 2005, 16:04:32 UTC
1) Who are you?
2) What do you want?
3) How far would you be willing to go in the pursuit of justice?
4) How much do you feel you really know about your family?
5) Do you ever feel that your gift sets you apart from everyone else?


tonks_007 April 28 2005, 13:46:11 UTC
1) Who are you?

Tonks, just Tonks. And 'Auror Tonks' to you.

2) What do you want?

Your master's head on a silver platter would do nicely for a start.

3) How far would you be willing to go in the pursuit of justice?

'Go' as in willing to sacrifice my or others' lives? Or rather what measures I would be willing to take, regardless of their legitimacy? The first I answered to my cousin Draco already, if you'd be so kind to read there. To the second I can only say that I do have my personal beliefs that don't always go according to actual laws or regulations. Luckily, I have not yet been in a situation where I have been ordered to go against those personal beliefs, so I cannot say for sure that I would place them above orders.

4) How much do you feel you really know about your family?Not much. My mother's family still remains a complete mystery to me, but I hope I might learn a bit more about it in the future. And my father's is just as far away; it's just my grandmother, really, and she has some strange notions that make it hard to ( ... )


andromedanoir April 27 2005, 20:54:41 UTC
1. I'm really, really sorry about the name on your birth certificate. But what name would you have chosen for yourself?
2. Why pink hair?
3. I'll not breathe a word of this to your father, but it seems to me quite likely that you're sleeping with Bill. How many other boys were there before him, or was he the first?
4. Did the hat give you a choice of houses, or did it think there was no question that Slytherin suited you best?
5. What was your favourite subject at school?


tonks_007 April 28 2005, 14:44:14 UTC
1. I'm really, really sorry about the name on your birth certificate. But what name would you have chosen for yourself?

When I still went to Muggle school, I was very envious of the girls that had nice and popular names like Sarah, Claire, Lisa or Samantha, with sometimes three girls of the same name in one class. I think I still like Samantha, it does have a nice ring to it. But I cannot really imagine to suddenly being called anything but Tonks, to be honest.

2. Why pink hair?

Because it makes people underestimate me. Also, green makes me look so pale.

3. I'll not breathe a word of this to your father, but it seems to me quite likely that you're sleeping with Bill. How many other boys were there before him, or was he the first?

Mum! Do you really expect me to answer that where everyone can read it?
Bill was not the first, alas. He-whose-name-must-never-be-mentioned-again was and I am not proud of that. Not saying more than that, though.

4. Did the hat give you a choice of houses, or did it think there was no question that ( ... )


andromedanoir April 28 2005, 16:13:34 UTC
He-whose-name-must-never-be-mentioned-again was and I am not proud of that.

Oh, darling. Come here.



weasley_primus April 28 2005, 14:21:30 UTC
You already answered my biggest question, when you said you'd marry me, but here goes:

1) Your place or mine? Or should we get a new place?

2) Thoughts on children, in the distant future once Voldie is gone?

3) Pets?

4) Any bad habits I don't know about yet?

5) Location of that bastard who broke your heart so I can go there and curse him into next century?


tonks_007 April 28 2005, 15:04:00 UTC
*snuggles* The really important questions should not be asked in quizzes anyway, right?

1) Your place or mine? Or should we get a new place?

Not sure. (Darn, I should have asked you that one!)
Currently, I think I'd opt for yours (with added wards etc.) as it is bigger than mine, with the option to look for something else if it feels too much like I am only visiting. We'll just have to give it a try, I think.

2) Thoughts on children, in the distant future once Voldie is gone?

Distant future sounds good. (Not that I have much hope of getting rid of Voldie soon anyway.) I have this contract with the Ministry and so it will not be an issue for at least five more years. For the time after that, I am not opposed to starting a family. Strange - I cannot believe I just wrote that! Before I knew you, I'd never have thought about children.

3) Pets?If you promise to not tell anyone, I'll admit that I am a bit scared of most animals, or do at least feel uneasy around them. It was quite a big step to finally get an owl - and just happened ( ... )


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