The beginning...How are you today?:i'm me What emotion are you feeling right now?:um calm What is your first name?:amber When is your birthday?:october 4th How old are you?:14 last time i checkedi Do you think you were cute as a baby?:sure why not Where do you live?:in a hole Do you like it where you live?:idk What grade in school are you in?:going
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i wanna do something with my boring dull hair, its so blah. its been dark and long forEVER, but my hair's a shithole so it seems as tho i cant do much with it. maybe i'll just shave my head...
its so fucking late but i cant sleep and my mood has changed from this afternoon, my body feels like its falling apart, my stomach hurts my head hurts my back hurts...maybe i should get out of this damn chair
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well i went to the graduation yesterday for my brother, yay, he graduated. as i left, i saw behind behind the fence near the water of the swamp a kid. he was like sitting all alone on a rock eating a pink boiled egg as he had the plastic bag that it was in on his lap. needless to say it freaked me out.