Title: As You Turn Away
Characters/Pairing: Fabio Coentrão /Cristiano Ronaldo
Rating: 13+
Word Count: 287
Disclaimer: This never happened, I don´t own anyone.
Summary: Cristiano breaking up with Fábio because he´s leaving Real Madrid.
Notes: A drabble based of “As you turn away-Lady Antebellum. Way too cheesy and lame.
Beta: No beta this time as well.
“I´m leaving Real Madrid, Fábio, I´m sorry,” Cristiano explained slowly, his voice dull and almost cold. Fábio blinked repeatedly.
Cristiano wrapped his arms tightly around Fábio stopping him from saying anything more.
Fábio let himself be wrapped in the warmness of Cris´s embrace.
Fábio didn´t wanted to let him go, but no matter what he could do or say, Cris was already gone and there was nothing he could do to make him change his mind.
Cristiano leaned back, enough to kiss softly (bittersweet in Fábio´s opinion) Fábio´s cheek. Their eyes locked and Fábio just knew it…
This was their good-bye.
Fábio felt so powerless, he couldn´t do anything to make Cristiano stay.
Cristiano unwrapped his arms from Fáb´s waist and turned around. Fábio reached out for Cris´ hand, hoping he maybe might stay.
“Let go of my hand, Fáb…” nothing is gonna hurt this much, our final touch Cristiano wants to say, but it would only cause them both more pain.
“Can we… Can we be friend, at least?” Fábio´s asked even if he already knew the answer.
“No, we can´t, Fáb. Knowing where we have been, it would only hurt us more,” Cristiano answered his voice soft. He turned around only enough to look at Fábio’s eyes “I hope you understand,”
Fábio felt the tears build up behind his eyes, Cristiano turned away quickly, not wanting to see the pain in his ex-lover´s eyes.
Cristiano toke one step to the door, Fábio felt his heart break.
Cristiano toke another step, Fábio started shaking with the powerless he felt, for not being able to change the things that make his boyfriend leave Real Madrid.
“I love you, Cris.” Fábio whispered, watching how the door closed.