The last few days ave been interesting. Igot pulled over to fuck whenI was was wasted to fuck (4 beers, jack + coke, rum + coke, vodka + sprite, and a cisco), luckily I didn' get a DUI, just a speeding ticket (I think) and careless driving. I haven't really seen anyone...its pretty funny acyually, you loose your car and everyone kinda stops being
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Comments 7
Secondly, you've been missed these past day(s?) and we have to make the most of this summer so Fahrenheit on Friday for sure. Even if we have to take busses cause I've never done that.
Oh and I got a new CD/Band and it seems like a certain jig would enjoy the song stylings of the Killers. PEACE byatch!
Naw but for real, you know we all care for you tony, ive been there for you as you have for me. Nothings changed man im still here for you as im sure you are for me :). Keep your head up this shit will pass over, a little laying low will help it, be strong nucca !!
hahah that'd be a funny comment if
a) me being a sellout
b) me only liking you for your car
were true
but they're not true i love you and will miss the turquoise car. but hey public transportation takes people far!
Thanks for inviting me to SpiderPussy - I had a blast. :) I'm back from Orlando so maybe we'll hang out soon somehow? (because although I have a car, I don't have a good sense of direction. :\
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