I honestly have no recollection of what happened on the day of the seventeenth, although i do remember the night. At some point we had settled with laying around in a heap on the ground listening to Radiohead, a band i dismissed as uninspired pop music after buying the Bends years ago. Chloe told me if i didn't like the Bends it didn't mean i didn'
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Comments 8
I love those long conversations that can be about nothing (or something with meaning) and still be the best conversations you've ever had. I have those a lot and I love them.
I'm glad you had a good party.
I want to comment on all of it, seeing how I'm a (large) part of almost every paragraph, but you already know how I feel about everything and how much everything meant to me. I think during the Conversation we could all feel how important and special the moment was. I will say though that no matter how many boys or girls I have cuddling with me, there'll always be room for you, because I probably love you more then them anyway. Oh, and I'm sorry that Monday was pretty Hortenless, I assure you I wont disapear like everything else has.
He kicked my ass. F.Y.I.
sorry. just had to piss on my territory.
buh bye.
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