punchkid wrote in
Sep 05, 2004 19:30
Hey guys, I'm leaving! I'm leaving all the communities I'm in because my friends page is just to big :(
erinsaysgoaway wrote in
Sep 05, 2004 12:59
Sorry guys, I'm just too busy with school and currently I'm sitting through hurricane frances so there's no more time to stay active in communities. It was fun while it lasted, add me if you'd like<3
thatxsaraxgirl wrote in
Sep 03, 2004 23:11
Hey guys. I've decided to quit all my communities since I have now gone back to school and have basically no time at all for these things. It was fun for the summer and you guys are great I just don't have the time. Hope to talk to you all later,
penetratexme__ wrote in
Sep 02, 2004 09:47
sorry guys, it's been real fun, but i'm leaving, due to school&such
add me if youd like =)
playxmate wrote in
Aug 19, 2004 15:41
Im sorry, but im leaving also. Thanks for accepting me though. Goodbye.