I was actually thinking about waiting until the 26th of December to make it a nice round year (and maybe I could have resumed writing that old entry with this year's Christmas and you wouldn't have noticed) but then
Nadine tagged me to take part in kind of a blog tour. It goes like this: I tell you eleven things about me (no matter whether you wanted to know or not *smirk*), then I answer eleven questions I got from the one who tagged me. Then I'll come up with eleven different questions and (am supposed to) tag eleven other people who's blogs I follow. Now here is the problem: There is only two blogs I regularly read and that's Nadine's (and I must not tag back) and Schubi's- she tagged Nadine in the first place so that would be a bit repetitive. There's only one other blog I can think of, the person in question didn't write in a very long time (a lot longer than even me) and I'll tag her, just for the fun of it. So
Tuze, it's your turn!
Update: I just thought of another one's blog, a dear friend from Switzerland who was brought to me through the miraculous world of the internet itself.
Rahel, I invite you to be part of this!
Oh, and one other thing before I actually begin: Since switching to German didn't exactly increase the number of readers resp. commentating readers (see my last entry and its massive income of comments...) I am back to English now. I simply enjoy writing it!
11 things about me:
1. I get easily lost in fantasies. When it comes to that I am sometimes none better than a fourteen-year-old. Films, books, actors- give me the right set of mood and subject and I'll be steering towards a new obsession. My latest one is the film "Casanova" (of 2005) and a character named Paprizzio. Google it and think whatever you want- I was never a fan of the actor Oliver Platt in particular but this here character is adorable and eye-candy enough to re-watch the film thrice in two days. (And it won't be done with that.)
2. I can not, for a fact, visit a bookstore without buying a book. Even when I know that I really shouldn't be spending money I can't stop myself from buying books.
3. I love hiking.
4. I love chocolate just as much as hiking. And cake. And ice-cream. And well, let's face it, food in general.
5. I prefer big men. Rotund, ample, well-rounded, chubby, full-figured, fat, enormous- call them whatever you want, I'm in for a treat!
6. I was born on a Thursday and so were both my daughters.
7. I've been a Star Trek fan since I was eight.
8. I used to have a crush on two professors of mine. At the same time. I've been to the sauna with one of them- in Russia. Now you're curious, eh?
9. If I could try out living in another period, it would be England's Regency or Victorian era.
10. If I had all the money I could wish for and really didn't have to think about it and wanted to build myself a house, I would buy a large piece of land in a remote and rural area and actually build a hobbit hole big enough to live in it with my family. Really live in it.
11. I wish I could chose Carmelo's cloths just as I do for the girls. I'd so love to see him in a pair of corduroy breeches, a nice plain shirt (sleeves rolled up), and a pair of braces. Oh and a nice thick woolen turtleneck jumper in winter. Or a tweed jacket.
11 things
Nadine asked me:
1. If you could be someone else, who would that be?
For like a day? Or forever? Real or fictional? For a day- Rima Horton, partner of Alan Rickman for 35 years. Colin Firth's wife. The character Andrea Bruni from the Casanova movie. All for the obvious reasons. Fictional- Elizabeth Bennet, Dr Watson, Arthur Dent, a teacher at Hogwarts. Any man, just to know what it's like. A woman at least twize my size, for the same reason. Forever? No-one else but me. I could never be without Carmelo and the girls. Well, we could all be hobbits, though!
2. Sweet or salty?
Sweet! And something savoury later. And then something sweet again. And then...
3. Do you believe in "All is fair in love [and war]"?
No. There definitly are limits. (I do not deny I sometimes wished there weren't. Or that I could overcome my scruples.)
4. Children - blessing or curse?
5. Could I ring at your door at two in the night?
Yes you could! When a friend needs help I'll be there. No matter what ungodly hour it is. When you're calling upon me just for the company- even better!
6. Tongue roller or not?
Tongue roller.
7. Do you believe in the afterlife?
Phew. Not as such, no. Not like going up to heaven or into paradise or whatever. I do think though that there is more to us than just organic and anorganic material. Call it soul or whatever you like. The essence of a person, their thoughts, wishes, hopes, dreams, fantasies, everything that makes them unique, different from all the other "bodies" ('cause that's what we would be without a "soul") - I refuse to believe that's just a product of biochemistry and dies the moment the cells cease to function.
8. What makes you happier- a good book, a great film or dinner with friends?
Dinner with friends, followed by watching a film afterwards, all of us together. And don't get me wrong, I really am a bookish person and I can easily lose myself in a story. But when I have to chose, I would rather go for company. We could read favourite passages from books to each other, though!
9. Who would you rather have never met in your life?
Okay, this is the question I thought hardest about. And I couldn't come up with anyone! Yes, there were unpleasant acquaintances in my life, but they all had something good about them, too. My first boyfriend for instance- yes, he hurt me like hell in the end but prior to that he had also made me happier than ever before in my life. Plus I got to know his mother who became a dear motherly friend and remains so until today. See what I mean?
10. What are you grateful for?
Having met my husband and having those lovely two girls. My parents who love me and support me no matter what. (And I am aware of the fact that I really have tried their patience now and then.) My inner circle of friends - they simply make me feel comfortable and I don't have to disguise anything. And I can always rely on them.
11. Would you rather belong to another nation or civilisation?
Nation- Ireland, GB, Australia, New Zealand.
And here are 11 questions for
Tuze and
1. Three names you go by? Who's calling you that and why?
2. When you could have one superpower, what would it be?
3. What was the last film you saw in cinema? Did you like it?
4. Have you ever been in love with a fictional charakter?
5. Egyptian, Roman or Greek feet?
6. Your favourite Star Trek charakter?
7. A skill you're interested in learning?
8. What makes you laugh no matter what?
9. A poster you had on your wall when you were a teen? That one you really can't deny it's been there.
10. Art or Science?
11. The fandom you belong to for the longest time? And the one that is most embarassing to tell people about?
Well, here it is. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Feel free to answer some of the questions yourself in the comments!