Is there someone who always makes fun of you?: yeah but in a good way
Has someone ever told you that they would be with you forever?: well, not in so many words
Have you ever had alcohol poisoning?: no
Any plans for tomorrow?: well, class as usual i reckon.
Do you find the opposite sex confusing?: i find both sexes confusing.
What do you want most right now?: a hug and some chocolate
When was the last time you were sick?: early june. i ate something that disagreed with me, as per usual.
How long does it take for you to take a shower?: 10 if i am on a schedule, 30 if i'm not
When is your birthday?: march 11
Is tomorrow going to be a good day?: depends on the weather, but probably.
Did you kiss or hug anyone yesterday?: sadly no
Ever thrown up in public?: yeah, in school
Where would you like to live?: i like ky. i just want to travel and then come back.
Who was the last person to leave you a comment?: dawn on facebook told me i was funny.
When was the last time you cried?: thursday
Do you miss anything/anyone?: yeah lots of people
Can you imagine yourself living in a cardboard box?: depends on how big the box is.
Who was the last person you talked to?: kelli
What is the worst subject they teach in school?: algebra
Have you seen anyone lately that you don't get along with?: not lately
What is your favorite color shirt to wear?: blue
Have you ever been in a car accident?: yeah
Whats the closest thing to you that is green?: a bowl i had oatmeal in this morning
Where would you like to be right now?: i am happy where i am, but i wish some others were with me.
What do you hear?: food network, kelli typing, me typing, people next door talking.
Is anything bugging you right now?: yeah but it's not something i can do a lot about.
Do you hate being alone?: i don't mind it for a few days but i do need human contact once in a while, lol
What was the first thing you thought this morning?: what a weird dream
What did you do yesterday?: ate breakfast with kam at doodle's, came back to richmond with brad, then did a buttload of math homework and then wasted time.
Will this weekend be a good one?: i hope so.
What were you doing at 7am this morning?: sleeping
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more?: i am fairly sure i could
What did you do Saturday?: yesterday WAS saturday. see three questions above.
What woke you up this morning?: my dream
Who was the last person you rode in a car with besides family?: brad
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: no one
What are you thinking about right now?: too much to list here
Last night did you go to sleep smiling?: for the most part
Did you have a good day yesterday?: yes i enjoyed it
Will you talk to a person you like tonight?: probably
What is your current mood?: sort of bland
Wearing: pj's to save on laundry
If the year consisted of one season what would you choose?: fall or winter
Are you tanned?: ha! i was tan for about two weeks this summer.
Have you ever been out past curfew?: i have never had a curfew
How did you and your number 1 become friends?: i don't really have a number 1 per se
Do you think the drinking age should be lowered to 18?: i don't really have any control over it, so i don't really care.
Do you need a hug?: i don't always NEED one, but i would never ever turn one down.
What are you looking forward to in the near future?: fireworks and ren faire
How are you doing in school?: well it is only the first week so i don't know yet, but i think i will be okay.
Could you cry right now?: doubt it
What are you doing after this?: find something else to waste time doing. (i don't have any homework left.)
Are you dating the person you currently like?: well... do i have to answer this one?
What do you want to do when you grow up?: i don't think i will ever grow up all the way, but i intend to write.
Is your heart broken right now?: not really
Who was the last person to call you?: hang on let me look... brad
Think back six months ago, were you single?: yes
Who can you blame for your bad mood today?: i am not currently in a bad mood
How was your night last night?: quiet but good
What is your mom listed under in your phone?: madre
How do you feel right now?: i am fine, geez
Who were the first 2 people you heard this morning?: kelli and then vh1
What are you listening to?: same thing as last time you asked
Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?: sure, anything for an excuse to make food, lol
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?: maybe my parents or the dog
Last thing you bought?: breakfast yesterday
Are you a jealous person?: um, yeah but i am not proud of it.
Does it take a lot to make you cry?: yeah usually
What were you doing at 12:30ish this afternoon?: sitting at this desk doing geography
Who was the last person you texted?: madre
Think a lot before you sleep?: yes
Did you stay in/go out yesterday?: was out, then came in
Held hands with anyone last weekend?: no
What's running through your mind right now?: this meme is taking longer than i had originally thought it would.
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?: yes, quite a few
Do you like to cuddle/snuggle?: very much. i am clingy and lame.
Is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now?: yeah
Is your life anything like it was a year ago?: in some ways but not others
You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life, what is it?: water
Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn't?: not that i know of.
Does anyone call you baby?: no, i wouldn't really like it.
Are you a patient person?: yeah most of the time
What is the last thing you said out loud?: "four?"
Do you have friends you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell?: yes and i love them for it.
What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?: put together a fandom songvid in my head
Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?: i don't need to attract any more attention to my nose.
What do you carry with you at all times?: wallet and phone
What is the last thing you got in trouble for with your parents?: we argue sometimes, but i don't really get in trouble.
Are you mean?: i can be.
Were you happy when you woke up today?: yeah
What's the last thing you searched for on Google?: the capital of west virginia. i swear i can never remember that one. (it's charleston, if you're curious.)
Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?: i haven't fallen for someone really hard yet.
Your last kiss meant a lot to you didn't it?: it was ok i guess
Would the last person you kissed be mad if he/she saw you kissing someone else?: depends on who i was kissing, lol
Are you listening to music right now?: no but i wish i was
Did you kiss anyone today?: nope
Are you waiting to get piercings/tattoos?: i want a tat someday when i have money for it
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone & what did you talk about?: brad. we talked about where we were going to be in lexington.
Who last called you babe/baby?: nobody calls me that. i call others that instead.
Is it hard for you to admit when you're wrong?: sometimes
Is there something someone should know about?: haha, like i'll ever tell
Last time you saw fireworks, with who & where?: fourth of july at the lovelaces
Are you afraid of roller coasters?: a little, but i like them anyway. isn't that the point?
What are you supposed to be doing right now?: uh, well i would be doing something useful if there were anything.
Are you slowly drifting away from someone?: i hope not
Can you play guitar hero?: not really, but i love to watch
Do you prefer warm or cold weather?: cold please
Do you know anyone who is pregnant?: yeah
Do you still talk to the last person you kissed?: wow srsly how many kissing questions are on this thing? but yes.
Does anyone hate you?: oh someone probably does.
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?: depends on what they did, i guess
Who was the last girl you talked to in person?: kelli
Who was the last guy you talked to?: not in person? scott. in person? brad.
Do you have anything that belongs to your boyfriend/girlfriend?: kinda
Do you have nice eyes?: i think they are boring but some people say they like them.
Do you think that you have made a difference in someones life?: i hope so.
What was the last thing you cried about?: i don't want to say
Do you plan on moving out in the next year?: well i can't live in the dorm during the summer.
What are you currently doing besides this?: not a lot, lol
Is someone mad at you right now?: i hope not
Do you ever hang out with someone of the opposite sex?: yeah it's fun
When was the last time you were sick?: no srsly this has been answered, wth
Last time you talked to someone out loud?: SHUTTIE
First thing you did this morning?: woke up
Are you younger than 29?: yeah
How many swim suits do you own?: one and a half
Do you like the color green?: yes very much
Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?: glasses
Have you ever fallen into a mud puddle?: hehe it's fun