1. How many computers are in your house?: 2
2. Do you own any fairy statues/posters/etc.?: no, but i had fairy toys at one point
3. Which of your co-workers has the nicest last name?: theresa or me
4. Ever slept on your floor?: tons of times lol
5. What’s your favorite type of cookie?: chocolate chip
6. What color is the floor at the mall you go to the most?: like a dark reddish brown
7. What movie theater do you usually go to?: any i can get to lol
8. Ever been in a school play?: in elementary, then i was backstage in the middle school ones
9. If you HAD to join a sports team, which would you pick?: um, maybe bad minton haha
10. What font are you taking this survey in?: idk what it's called
11. Be honest: do you ever take tags off surveys?: yeah
12. Do you have Wifi?: it is available but i don't use it.
13. Ever kissed someone of the same sex?: not romantically
14. What color is your mom’s natural hair?: brown
15. Do you like glitter?: not on me
16. Do you own a lava lamp?: not anymore, it quit working
17. Do you hold onto dead bouquets of flowers?: yeah sometimes lol
18. Do you, or did you ever, collect My Little Ponies?: yes, i love them
19. Last time you saw a full moon?: i see the moon every night unless it is cloudy.
20. Favorite color for a car?: dark blue or green or maroon
1. What was the flavor of the last ice cream you had? chocolate chip
2. Do you find it difficult to blow up balloons? depends on how little they are.
3. What do you think about people camping out for four days to be first in line for the new iPhone? well, everyone is a fan of something.
4. Do you prefer iced tea or lemonade? i like both equally.
5. How old were you when you learned to read? like 5
6. To tie your shoes? first grade
7. Are you wearing jewelry? my necklace
8. Do you actually like broccoli? i like it raw.
9. Have you been exposed to racism? sadly yes, but it wasn't directed towards me.
10. Who's the weirdest, most eccentric person that goes to your school? too many people go to this school for me to know that, haha.
11. When was the last time you had peanut butter? like last week.
12. Do you think that I ask too many food questions? *shrugs*
13. Doesn't it annoy you when people confuse "your" with "you're"? yeah
14. What's the most expensive item of clothing that you own? my chucks, lol
15. Do you love sunglasses? no
16. What was the last movie you saw? pee wee's big adventure was on yesterday.
17. Is pumpkin pie gross? i like it.
18. Do you need to shave your legs? eh kinda
19. Isn't James Marsden a hunkalicious babe? he's alright, but not my type.
20. What was the last thing you Googled? stuff for geography class.
21. Do you have to go to the bathroom? not right now.
22. When was the last time you got in trouble for falling asleep in school? when i was sick once i fell out of my desk when i woke up from being asleep. at first the teacher thought i was trying to be funny but then i almost puked on her and she brought me a garbage can, lol.
23. How often do you straighten your hair? i don't think i ever have.
24. Which of your parents is more lenient? my dad
25. What color are the towels hanging in your bathroom? blue, purple, tan, yellow, stripey
26. What do you think of that new show, "The Singing Bee"? idk, i haven't seen it.
27. Can you think of any celebrities that look like your dad? um, my nephew thinks he looks like christopher walken, but without the freaky eyes lol
28. What size shoe do you usually wear? like 9-10
29. How do you like your eggs? scrambled
30. Do you tan easily? a little, i just freckle mostly
1. What band/musician do you really want to see on the cover of your favorite music magazine? punch brothers
2. What do you think is our greatest purpose in life? i don't know that i have one, i just want to be nice.
3. What makes you lose your self-esteem? when people ignore me or act like my opinion means nothing even when i respect theirs.
4. What's something that you do that people wouldn't expect from your stereotype? idk, maybe watch horror flicks without getting scared.
5. Can you take your shots? like at the doctor? yeah it doesn't bother me that much.
6. Have you ever worn vampire fangs? haha yeah, out of a gumball machine at the laundromat.
7. Who is your school slut? dude there are so many i can't count them.
8. What clique is overrunning your school? social sorority types
9. How old is your school building? different ages. the oldest one was built in like 1906 or something.
10. If you were to go deaf or blind in the next 5 minutes, which would you choose? blindness, definitely.
11. What is the color of the last pencil you used? blue
12. What is your favorite insult? probly a tie for douchebag and asshat.
13. What would it take for you to drop out of school? idk, quite a bit.
14. Do you need a boyfriend to be happy? no, i am still a whole person without one.
15. How much longer do you think you'll live with your parents? i honestly don't know.
16. Where do you bruise the easiest? i have no idea, it takes a lot to bruise me.
17. Has a boy ever left you for another girl? no
18. Describe the best day of your life. there have been so many, and i am very lucky.
19. Where were you when I needed you most? idk what this means haha
20. What school(s) in your region has green in its school colors? silver grove i think
21. Have you ever cried (without stopping) for over 2 hours? not that long.
22. Do you remember those "fortune tellers" from like second grade? dude, i still make those
23. What would you do if the most important person in your life right now, just walked right out of it tomorrow? i don't want to think about it
24. Do you know any pathological liars? yeah, she's stupid as hell.
25. Oh hot damn, what's your jam? *insert clever answer here*
26. Where did you lose your v-card? idek what that is.
27. Do you know anyone who has ever made love in a golf cart? no, lol. i am thinking the person who put this question on here may have though, lol
28. What color is your mattress? like turquiose
29. Could you break bones in ABC order? i doubt it, idk the names of all of them.
30. Has Cupid found his mark yet? things are looking good so far.
31. Would you rather date your school's biggest jock or the most depressed emo? neither, i like geeks.
32. Is your Grandma so vain that she makes fun of fat people in Walmart? haha no, she is too busy buying bras and diabetic candy.
33. What is your favorite color of parakeet? uh, my other grandma had a yellow one named chip that could talk.
34. If you have/had braces, do/did they make a weird bump under your bottom lip? yeah, especially when i was in band playing the clarinet. my mouth is full of scars.
35. Do you eat protein bars? not really
36. If you believe in Jesus, when do you believe He's coming back for you and me? how can i possibly know that?
37. Do you see God in your priest? not really, i see that kind of thing elsewhere.
38. Would you be on trial for the Salem Witch Trials if you had been alive and present for that event in history? i doubt it
39. What is your favorite sin? well i don't have favorites, but i am good at lying.
40. Has someone ever used you to cheat on their girlfriend/boyfriend? no
41. Do you kiss with your eyes opened or closed? mostly closed
42. If you make out with your eyes closed, have you ever opened them during a make out session to see your partner and suddenly feel awkward? not really
43. What's better: April 20th or November 11th? november 11th, it's colder.
44. Can you even begin to IMAGINE being a P.O.W. for 7 years? eesh, no
45. Who looks best without their clothes? your mom lol
46. Could you ever date someone who downright despised your favorite band? i am well practiced at being able to agree to disagree.
47. Do guys usually like you for your looks or personality? ha. it would have to be the latter.
x1 Have you ever trespassed? yeah
x2 Would you care if your friends were into alcohol or drugs? yeah
x3 What if it was your parents that were drinking/drugging excessively? i would be mad
x4 Do you tell your parents where you are going? most of the time
x5 What is the first site you check when you get online, generally? school email
x6 How much time have you spent online today? a lot
x7 How can someone else make you mad? be prejudiced for no good reason
x8 What makes you feel good? hugs
x9 Can you give a good back massage? i reckon i could.
x10 Do you enjoy getting massages? yes
x11 Did you ever mix up the words "message" and "massage"? no
x12 Are there any other words you get mixed up? very rarely
x13 Are you good at creative writing assignments? i can be.
x14 Or would you rather just do an informative essay? i like doing research.
x15 What does "freedom" mean to you? not being tied down
x16 If you could design a government to rule society, what traits would it have? you do not want me to run a government.
x17 Do you agree with the notion that all people were created equal? yeah, unless they screw up really bad.
x18 Do you think women should hold open doors for men, too? fair is fair, why shouldn't we take turns?
x19 Would you want a sensitive man? Why or why not? got one, he's a sweetheart.
x20 Are you more attracted to the badasses, or the goody-goody types? neither, i like somewhere in between.
x21 What class has given you the most trouble this year? math, duh
x22 Do you raise your hand or participate in class? in every class but math.
x23 What is something BIG you want to do with your life? get a book published.
x24 Would you ever spend the night in a treehouse? if it was sturdy enough.
x25 What do you think of people who own wild animals? depends on the situation i guess.
x26 Make up a 'quote' based on your morals and beliefs? i just try to treat others the way i want to be treated. it's not a new quote. sue me.
x27 If a book was written about your life, what would be in the summary? i am sure the word "weird" would be in there.
x28 Are you good at explaining things, in general? usually.
x29 If your friend had a drug problem would you abandon them? i doubt it, i am pretty darn stubborn.
x30 Has a friendship ever ended over similar reasons? no
x31 If your house burned down, where would you have to go? i would go to the lovelaces.
x32 Do you like visiting the mall? Why or why not? yeah, there's a bookstore and a movie theater in there.
x33 Do you like window shopping? Why or why not? yes, but not all day.
x34 Have you ever purposely hurt an animal? i had to punch a camel in the face once.
x35 What do you think of girls who cheat? Guys? i don't deal well with disloyalty.
x36 Would you ever see a therapist? i guess if i was traumatized and needed it.
x37 What do you think of people that do? good, they're getting help
x38 Where would you go out to dinner for a big celebration? anywhere i could be with my friends
x39 Who would you invite to your next b-day? same people who were at the last one
x40 Do you mind lending money to your friends? no, i love to help, but it is hard as hell to ask for the favor in return.
x41 Does anyone mooch off of you? Is this annoying? no, i get attention this way lol
x42 What, to you, is the best part of traveling? new places, people, food, things to experience
x43 Do you like to try new things? Why or why not? yes, how will i learn anything new?
x44 If you lost your job/home, etc, who would likely help you? my family
x45 Does it bother you if someone talks bad about you? not really, it is a waste of my time.
1. Do you only have mood swings when you're on your period? yes, but they aren't that bad anyway.
2. Do you hate all of Miley Cyrus' songs? i make it a point to know as little about her as possible.
3. What's the most stupid quiz you've taken on facebook? haha, facebook quizes are reknowned for their stupidity, so who knows.
4. Is there someone you can think about and instantly be pissed off? yes.
5. Are you excited for anything this month? halloween!
6. Where's the farthest you've gone on a bus trip? quebec
7. Have you ever seen someone fake an injury? haha, yeah i helped.
8. Do you think owls are cute? they can be
9. What's cuter: kittens or puppies? i like both.
10. What type of bread do you get at Subway? wheat