I've decided that it's your fault that I've just spent the past two hours looking for bags that would fit my laptop at a pinch and yet still go with the girl-about-town look. Mmm, bags.
BTW, do you think you could post or link to a picture of your bag, just in case? I'd need to make sure it coordinates with the imaginary winter coat I haven't bought yet.
I thought of mailing you one, but you're right, and I actually bought one of my own this morning. Along with two shirts and another bag. I'm sure you'll find another taker though.
A gift of flowers will soon be made to you.ext_38448March 27 2007, 00:11:11 UTC
The birds are singing, the flowers are budding, and it is time for Miss Manners to tell young lovers to stop necking in public.
It's not that Miss Manners is immune to romance. Miss Manners has been known to squeeze a gentleman's arm while being helped over a curb, and, in her wild youth, even to press a dainty slipper against a foot or two under the dinner table. Miss Manners also believes that the sight of people strolling hand in hand or arm in arm or arm in hand dresses up a city considerably more than the more familiar sight of people shaking umbrellas at one another. What Miss Manners objects to is the kind of activity that frightens the horses on the street ...
Comments 18
*is pathetic*
Manners to tell young lovers to stop necking in public.
It's not that Miss Manners is immune to romance. Miss Manners has been
known to squeeze a gentleman's arm while being helped over a curb, and,
in her wild youth, even to press a dainty slipper against a foot or two
under the dinner table. Miss Manners also believes that the sight of
people strolling hand in hand or arm in arm or arm in hand dresses up a
city considerably more than the more familiar sight of people shaking
umbrellas at one another. What Miss Manners objects to is the kind of
activity that frightens the horses on the street ...
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