Gender: Female
Locaution: I live in the greater seattle area
What does LC mean?: LC means Lame cistas
Where did you find this community?: I found the community through another called the elite
Say something to win us over: An over veiw on my life, I play soccer its my passion and a way to take out all my agression because I have lots, I love skiing, I am in a band called Zealous, we have a kind of alternative/emo/other/indie sound to us. I am smart...I never did understand why people didnt like to read. I love acting and improvizing, im the only girl on my schools improv team, we do a kind of "whose line is it anyways" for our school and other schools. That can have its ups and downs. Im perplex, i am a girl and i go through moods like no other. one minute i will be doing jumping jacks and the next im throwing spoons at my dad, why spoons? I don't quite know.
yes my hair looks like shit but i hadn't straightened it yet.