After looking for tutorials everywhere for vibrant coloring effects, I just decided to mess with stuff myself. I used psp 7 for this, but I'm sure its transferable....
1. Get base
2. Sharpen base once or twice
3. Duplicate Base and set to overlay which i used (or hardlight or softlight depending on the image)
4. Curves (colors->adjust->curves) (settings: Input: 102 Output: 150)
EXTRAS: (You can do one of these, some of these, or all of these)
* Repeat step 4 if you want to brigten your icon up more
* New layer, fill with #06004B 100% and set to exclusion to add a nice affect
*Increase Saturation (colors->adjust->Hue/saturation/lightness) (settings: Hue:0 Saturation:40 Lightness:0)
(I've tested out each of these techniques and all look fine)
Using Steps #1-4 Only:
Using Steps #1-4 and Extra step #1:
Using Steps #1-4 and Extra Steps #1 & 2:
to this:
I used the tutorial from Tutorial #1 Part A but made a small change in step 2 and and added a 5th step (the third extra from tut #1 Part A):
1. Get base
2. Sharpen base once or twice
3. Duplicate Base and set to softlight which i used (or hardlight or overlay depending on the image)
4. Curves (colors->adjust->curves) (settings: Input: 102 Output: 150)
5.Increase Saturation (colors->adjust->Hue/saturation/lightness) (settings: Hue:0 Saturation:40 Lightness:0)
I went from this:
to this:
1. Get base & sharpen:
2. Lets brighten her up: Increase Saturation (colors->adjust->Hue/saturation/lightness)
(settings: Hue:0 Saturation:40 Lightness:0):
3. Now, her skin is really orange, go to Curves: colors->adjust->curves) (settings: Input: 102 Output:150):
Thats better! Sorry if all this was confusing, if it was let me know.