(no subject)

Aug 05, 2004 00:01

Name; Renee
Age; 14
Location; California
Job; <./b>Babysitting?
Pets; None
Body Modifications; Ears Pierced?
Hobbies; Reading, writing, the computer, dancing, loving people.
Favorite Bands; Taking Back Sunday, Modest Mouse, Led Zeppelin, Steve Miller.
Say something funny/interesting in a different language [make sure you tell us what it means!]; a tatlo man calbow - your father is bald.
Favorite word & why; epitome. it was a vocab word and i just love it to death.
Worst fear; sharks
Something most people don't know about you; i suck my thumb.

How do you feel about...

i'm not really interested in politics, i prefer to stay away from them.
Animal rights;
i love animals even though i dont have any. but i think they should be treated respectfully.
Downloading music;
i feel that downloading music should be legal, because its not as if NO ONE buys the artist's CDS, and the artists have a lot of money anyway.
Drug use;
havent tried it yet. but i think some drugs should be legal if they are used responsibly. but i guess no one can ever ensure that people will use drugs responsibly.
Slang terms [ex. retard];
well, pimp means a man who sells prostitutes. so, i guess i'm okay with them. i dont really think about them too much, but if i want to say the word "gay" and a literal gay person is around me, i try to avoid the term.
Your school or workplace;
i'm going to an all girls catholic school next year and i'm awfully scared. it wasnt my choice to go there, so that doubles to dissapointment that i'm going to have this coming year while going there.
Drafting & the army;
i dont believe in the army and i wish the war had never started.
America's youth in general;
i think that sometimes our youth makes the wrong decisions but i also think that these young adults will one day help us.
The term "selling out;"
i have no idea what that term means
Importance of grammar; on the internet i never really have proper grammar, but i try to.


Write a paragraph describing yourself;

In regards to my appearance, I have brown hair, brown eyes that turn a dark green. I have big lips, and braces. [Wow that description makes me sound very un-good looking.] I can be a very mean person but I am working on being nice. I really like boys. Its odd. I guess. I love to read and I read very fast. I hate smiling.

What are 5 things that you feel very strongly about & why?

One thing I feel strongly about is being pro-choice. I believe a woman should have the right to do what she wants with her body, and I do not think that abortion is a form of birth control. Second would be Music. I guess it isnt something that I can do something about, but I feel suchhh a strong love for music and i dont know how I would live without it. My last three may sound a little silly, but they are: not talking bad about people, not whining all the time, and believing in yourself.

What do you think defines the word unique?

I think unique is something like nothing else. Someone like no other. Nothing like it is the same as anything else.

What is something unique about yourself using your definition?

The way that I think, and the way that I feel about things. Even if people agree with me on things, they never feel the same way I do.

i dont know why i am doing this i am never accepted in communities. :/


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