♥ Housing: 1250 Williams Road
♥ Family: Kudou
• Mother: Arcueid
• Father: Youji
• Sibling: Margot
[ ] basic spells
[ ] illusions (sight)
[ ] illusions (sound)
[ ] illusions (touch)
[ ] illusions (smell)
[ ] illusions (taste)
[ ] figure of st thalia
[ ] general wardrobe
[ ] guild badge
[X] illness (crappy immune system)
[ ] illness (TB)
[ ] sea glass bracelet
• 14 (turned 15 in game) years old
• 4'10'' w/ a slim, boyish figure
• black slightly wavy hair to past her shoulder blades; typically worn down
• freckles on face, arms, legs, etc
• blue eyes
• very pale and a little gaunt looking
[Room Description]
Pretty much only for housemates.
• pale blue walls painted with clouds
• lots of flowers around the room