Title: Endless.
Genre: Angst/Romance.
Pairing: Alfred x Arthur.
Type: One-shot.
Rating: T.
Summary: It was as if it were yesterday.
Warning: Character death. Angst. Alternate Universe. Mild amount of OOC.
He wore jeans and the ever-so familiar bomber jacket that fit him like it did when he had first bought it. )
Comments 6
Again, thanks :D
This is very precious. Really. I imagine that after Arthur died, Alfred had never really grinned in that same, heart-warming smile of his since then. And then, you writing this brilliant fiction of how the boys reunited again in (..uh, I don't really know the term for that, but I'll say) a void in between heaven and.. something. It's beautiful. I think you're doing a very great job as well.
Ah well, that's a lot, is it not?
But it clearly states my honest opinions. (:
I am really just stunned right now. This might be the nicest review I've ever gotten.
I am glad that you thought so. I almost didn't post this here because of nerves. (I don't know the word for it either... I suppose 'nothingness' might work...)
It's a good amount I think :D.
True, haha :D
Good job!
I am so glad that you think so :3
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