if you know welding, feel free to correct/comment on these (or answer things i'm not sure about). otherwise, it's just for my reference.
how to set up an oxygen-acetylene welding torch without making it explode:
1) check both regulators to be sure stems are off springs and close both torch valves [regulators bring gasses from PSI of tank to PSI you want]
2) open oxygen tank valve slowly to full [fast might make regulator break]
3) open acetylene tank valve slowly to 1/4 turn [acetylene never opens all the way, so you can shut it off quick if you need to]
4) open oxygen torch valve 1/8 turn
5) screw in oxygen regulator stem until meter reads 10psi [down from 2,100psi inside tank]
6) close oxygen torch valve
7) open acetylene torch valve 1/8 turn
8) quickly screw in acetylene regulator stem to 8psi [down from 300psi] [quickly because acetylene is not only flammable, but also smells like ass]
9) close acetylene torch valve
10) have gas striker ready in right hand
11) open acetylene torch valve 1/8 turn
12) light immediately!
13) slowly open oxygen torch valve to add oxygen
14) adjust oxygen torch valve for neutral flame [too much acetylene = carbonizing flame = black smoke. too much oxygen = oxidizing flame = bad, but i'm not sure why. right amount of each = neutral flame = good for welding]
how to dismantle the torch without causing explosions later:
1) close acetylene torch valve [always turn off acetylene first - remove the fuel, not the accelerator]
2) close oxygen torch valve
3) close oxygen tank valve [turn off oxygen first because it's stored at a higher pressure, and otherwise some oxygen could get forced into the acetylene tank (i think?)]
4) close acetylene tank valve
5) open oxygen torch valve [to bleed pressure from the hose]
6) unscrew stem from oxygen regulator
7) open acetylene tank valve
8) unscrew stem from acetylene regulator
9) leave both torch valves open [better to leak gasses into the air than let pressure build]